Today, the annual NHS Staff Survey results have been released, at NBT we have achieved our target response rate of 62%, an improvement on the previous year and now 13% higher than the national average, which means they continue to represent the views of the majority of our staff.
The staff survey has nine themes, with multiple questions in each theme. This year 86% of NBT results are the same or better than the National comparator average. All of our people promise elements and themes remain above national average.
Glyn Howells Hospital Managing Director at NBT said: “I am pleased that so many of our staff have had their say in the most recent NHS staff survey, and that the results can reflect such a wide range of views from our diverse organisation. I’m really proud to see improvements from 2023 in areas including improving time pressures and staff recognition. This is thanks to the commitment and resilience shown by each member of our staff every day.”
In 2023 our staff told us that they felt our appraisal process could improve so we increased the quality and quantity of our appraisals using a new appraisal system with enhanced feedback mechanisms. This has resulted in all of our 2024 appraisal scores being higher than last year. Our 2023 results also showed a need for more flexible working options so we looked at what more our managers could do to increase flexibility, whilst ensuring the needs of our services. This year our results showed that all flexible working scores were higher than the national average.
We will continue to work with our staff on areas for improvement and deliver action plans to address the things that we know are important to our staff