Postponement of some elective procedures at NBT

In this exceptionally busy time for the Trust, we are working hard to prioritise treatment on a case by case basis so that urgent procedures can continue.

The rise in COVID-19 cases in the South West has meant that we are seeing increased demand on our services. As is happening in hospitals across the country, we have now reluctantly taken the decision to postpone some non-urgent routine operations and outpatient appointments, to allow us to safely care for the rising number of people with COVID-19 in our hospital.

We are keeping as many services running as possible, prioritising patients based on clinical need and urgency, and leaving capacity to treat people in emergencies and with cancer and other high priority surgical services.

This is not a decision we’ve taken lightly and we recognise the distress this will cause to patients and their families who have been waiting for treatment.

We would like to reassure people that this is a temporary measure, and we are reviewing the situation on a daily basis and aim to re-introduce routine services as soon as is safe.

Our clinical teams will be contacting their patients regarding next steps. If you have questions about your appointment or treatment please use the contact details on your appointment letter.

North Bristol NHS Trust Deputy Medical Director Mr Tim Whittlestone said:

“We apologise to everyone affected by this exceptional step which we and other hospitals are taking to safely treat the rising number of people with severe COVID-19 illness.

“I really do appreciate the enormous upset this causes patients and their families and ask the public to follow the government’s guidance on reducing the spread of the virus so that we can resume routine services as soon as possible.

“Our hospitals remain open for emergency, urgent and cancer-related care.”

Read a statement from NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG