In line with the Government’s strict new rules announced on Monday 23 March, we have suspended visiting with immediate effect. To help reduce the spread of infection, we ask that you please stay at home.
We know it is important for our patients to keep in contact with family and friends. We will support them where possible to make use of any telephone and video call functions they might have available.
We acknowledge this is a challenging time, and all of us at North Bristol NHS Trust thank you for playing your part in keeping our patients, staff and community safe.
Compassionate exceptions:
Exceptions for vulnerable patients with dementia, learning disabilities or patients receiving end-of-life care can be made on compassionate grounds if they are not query or positive Covid-19.
Please strictly follow hygiene and distancing guidelines, regularly washing your hands or using alcohol gel. You must not visit in any circumstances if you have a new persistent cough or a high temperature.
Attending for general treatment: If you are attending for treatment as an outpatient, please come into the hospital by yourself, unless you require mobility assistance or to be supported by a carer.
Guidance for women and families attending the Maternity Services
Attending the Maternity Unit to give birth: Please nominate a single birthing partner to be with you during your hospital stay. Siblings and all other visitors are not able to visit the ward at this time.
Attending Antenatal Clinic: Partners are only able to attend for the first pregnancy scan (FTCS or Dating). This means that for all other scans and clinics mothers-to-be must attend alone.
These guidelines have been made in the best interests of our patients, staff and families. If you are concerned about your relative, please speak to the ward staff.
For more information on Coronavirus, please visit