On Thursday, September 30 2022 we held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) covering the 2021/22 financial year.
Our AGM was hosted by our Chair, Michele Romaine and included an overview of our year and performance from our Chief Executive, Maria Kane, and the presentation of our annual accounts by Chief Finance Officer, Glyn Howells. There was also a presentation from our Emergency Department Lead Consultant, James Cameron, about the pressures emergency teams have been under and how we have worked to tackle this. Our Chief People Officer, Jacqui Marshall also shared how we have been looking after our staff.
This was the first time we held our AGM in-person since 2019.
If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can watch a video of the presentations below.
We also shared a video review of the year highlighting some of the key challenges, achievements and events of 2021/22, which you can view below.
You can view our full Annual Report and Accounts online via this link.
We have also produced this summary document providing an overview of the year.