Yate Minor Injuries Unit new opening hours

Yate’s Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) in the West Gate Centre will be open 12 hours a day, seven days a week from Monday 15 April, making it even easier for people to access fast, walk-in treatment for minor injuries such as cuts, sprains and broken bones.

The unit treats adults and children and will open from 8am to 8pm on weekdays and weekends, including bank holidays.

The extended hours are part of a range of measures to improve urgent care services in the local area, which also include extended GP opening hours and enhanced self-care advice from community pharmacies. The move follows extensive engagement with local people who have said they wanted the MIU open longer.

X-ray services will be available from 8am until 7.30pm Monday to Friday, and 9am until 5.30pm on weekends and bank holidays. Individuals will also be able to attend the unit for a GP-referred X-ray on Saturdays or Sundays.

Here is a list of injuries Yate MIU can treat: 

  • sprains and strains
  • cuts and grazes
  • arm, lower leg and foot injuries
  • superficial bites
  • minor burns and scalds
  • minor head injuries
  • broken noses and nosebleeds
  • eye problems such as scratches, foreign bodies in the eyes




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