Consultant Neurosurgeon and Lead Oncology Surgeon
Mr Venkat Iyer MBBS, MS, MD, FRCS (Ed), FRCS (Glas), FRCS (Neurosurgery) PGCert (ME)
Mr Iyer specialises in treating patients with Intrinsic (within the brain substance) Primary and Secondary tumours in all parts of the brain and leads the delivery of Oncology services for Brain tumour patients. He operates on the majority of intrinsic brain tumours that are referred and is Chairman of the multi disciplinary team (MDT) that meets every week to discuss patients with brain tumours. His workload involves performing awake craniotomies on patients with both low grade and high grade gliomas, and in addition uses intraoperative electrophysiology for accurate localisation. He works very closely with the Cancer specialists (delivering radiotherapy and chemotherapy) at Bristol, Bath and Gloucester, and is part of the team involved in delivering Stereotactic Radiotherapy at Bristol (similar to ‘Gamma Knife’) to selected Brain tumours. He is also actively involved in research into Brain Cancer in collaboration with the University of Bristol and is looking at a unique cancer promoting enzyme called GSK3. He is a key fund holder for the ‘The Brain Box Fund' which is a charitable account funded by voluntary donations for supporting Research into Brain Cancer. email: venkat.iyer@nbt.nhs.uk
Medical Secretary (NHS): 0117 4146704

Consultant Neurosurgeon
Mr George Malcolm MBBS, BSc, FRCS (Neurosurgery)
Mr George Malcolm has been a Consultant Neurosurgeon in Bristol since 1999. He completed his training by spending a year as the Paediatric Neurological Surgery Fellow in the University of Tennessee at Memphis. During this year Mr Malcolm had the great privilege of working with Dr. Robert. A. Sanford who has an established reputation in the management of CNS tumours. It was while with Dr. Sanford that Mr Malcolm developed his interest in Neuro-oncology. His clinical practice is currently divided between Neurooncology and complex cervical surgery.
Contact: George.malcolm@nbt.nhs.uk

Consultant Neurosurgeon
Mr Richard Nelson
Mr Nelson was appointed as a Consultant Neurosurgeon at Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, in 1990. He trained in Cambridge, Oxford, London and Southampton. He has a special interest in the management of tumours of the skull base, in particular pituitary tumours and acoustic neuromas. He has been the lead surgeon for the Bristol Pituitary Service for the last 10 years and has undertaken over 500 transphenoidal operations. He works closely with colleagues in Endocrinology and Ophthalmology through regional clinics based in Bristol, Gloucester, Bath and Yeovil. Together with his ENT colleague Mr David Baldwin he leads the Bristol Acoustic Neuroma Service. Together they have operated on over 500 acoustic neuromas placing a special emphasis on minimising neurological complications and disability.
Miss Sue Garwood, Medical Secretary to Mr Richard Nelson
e-mail: susan.garwood@nbt.nhs.uk
Tel: 0117 4146702
Consultant Neurosurgeon and Head of Specialty (Neurosurgery)
Mr David Porter
Mr David Porter qualified in Medicine at the University of London Medical School in 1987. He subsequently worked for the Professor of Surgery. He pursued a General Surgical Training in Liverpool and was successful in passing the Fellowship to the Royal College of Surgeons in 1991. He immediately applied and was successfully appointed to Neurosurgical training in London and worked at the Centres of Charing Cross, The Royal Free and Queens Square Hospitals. Mr Porter then transferred to Leeds for his Senior Registrar post and during this time he spent time at the Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona under the supervision of the Internationally renowned Surgeons Robert Spetzler and Volkar Sonntag. He returned to the United Kingdom to accept a post as Consultant Neurosurgeon at Frenchay Hospital and from this point he maintained a Neurosurgical Practice encompassing a broad base of conditions. In keeping with developing trends an interests he began to further sub-specialise into complex skull base tumours and cerebrovascular surgery. He is now a Tutor to the Royal College of Surgeons and he has an academic interest in the utilisation of high flow bypass for patients with a high risk of stroke and quality of life assessment for those patients undergoing skull base tumour resection. He is currently the Head of Department for Neurosurgery, Chair of the Site Specific Group for Neuro-oncology and Heads the Meningioma Service.
Medical Secretary: Rose Hembery
Tel: 0117 4146707
Email: rose.hembery@nbt.nhs.uk

Consultant Neuroradiologist
Dr Marcus Bradley BSc MBBS MRCP FRCR
Dr Marcus Bradley was appointed as a Consultant Neuroradiologist in 2008. He qualified in medicine from Imperial College School of Medicine, London in 1996 (St Mary’s Hospital Medical School) gaining a neuroscience BSc in 1993. He did his general medical training at the University Hospital Birmingham, before a period doing neurology research at University College London, based predominantly at the Royal Free Hospital. He undertook general radiology training in Bristol with sub-specialty training in diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology at Frenchay Hospital and an interventional fellowship in Ankara, Turkey. He is a Clinical Tutor for the Royal College or Radiologists and his interests include neurovascular disease and neuro-oncology.
e-mail: marcus.bradley@nbt.nhs.uk

Consultant Neuropathologist/Honorary Senior Lecturer
Dr Kathreena Kurian
Kathreena trained at Guy’s and St.Thomas’ Hospital Medical Schools, London, also gaining a BSc in Experimental Pathology. She specialised in Neuropathology in Edinburgh and Cambridge, during which time she won an Edinburgh Medical Faculty Research Fellowship which supported her research MD, achieved FRCPath (Neuro) and gained special paediatric neuropathology experience. She has recently spent time in Austin Smith’s Centre for Stem Cell Research in Cambridge and has many active research studies. She currently sits on the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Brain Tumour Subgroup for Translational Studies.
Joanna McTiernan, Medical Secretary to Dr Kathreena Kurian
Email: joanna.mctiernan@nbt.nhs.uk
Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre
Dr Chris Herbert MBBS, FRCR
Dr Chris Herbert qualified in medicine at Birmingham University in 2000. He trained in Clinical Oncology in Bristol and completed his oncology training as a clinical research fellow at the British Columbia Cancer Agency in Vancouver, Canada, where he specialised in stereotactic radiosurgery and the treatment of benign and malignant adult brain tumours. Appointed as consultant Clinical Oncologist in Bristol in 2011, he has an interest in technical radiotherapy, specialising in the treatment of adult brain tumours, including stereotactic radiosurgery, skin tumours and urological cancers. He has published work on stereotactic radiosurgery in international, peer reviewed journals.
His other area of interest is in the treatment of malignant melanoma particulary management of brain metastases, including administration of new state-of-the art chemotherapy agents.
Email: christopher.herbert@uhbristol.nhs.uk
Medical secretary: 0117 3422417

Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre
Dr Alison Cameron
Dr Alison Cameron trained at Bristol University. Her Clinical Oncology training was in South Wales and Bristol, prior to becoming a consultant in Bristol. With a particular interest in technical radiotherapy, she specialises in Paediatric Radiotherapy, Neuro-oncology including intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery and Skin Cancers. Since 2009 she has been lead clinician at University Hospitals Bristol for Teenagers and Young Adults with Cancer, charged with setting up the service for this group of patients. In her spare time she is a long distance runner and conservation volunteer for the National Trust.

Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Dr Sean Elyan MB ChB, MD (Bristol) FRCP, FRCR
e-mail: sean.elyan@glos.nhs.uk
Dr. Elyan qualified in medicine from Bristol University and obtained further medical experience in the West Country. His Oncology training was at Cambridge, Manchester where he did a research degree through the Paterson Institute, and the Royal Marsden Hospital in London as a Senior Registrar. His main clinical interests are breast cancer, CNS malignancies, Upper GI cancer and lymphomas. He also has an interest in Medical Management and was appointed as the Trust’s Medical Director at the end of 2005. This role is undertaken 2 ½ days per week.
Carolyn, Medical Secretary to Dr Sean Elyan
Telephone: 0845 422 4017

Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Dr Sam Guglani MB BS, MRCP, FRCR
e-mail: sam.guglani@glos.nhs.uk
Dr. Sam Guglani qualified in Medicine at University College Hospital London Medical School in June 1995, also completing a BSc in Neuroscience there. He undertook training in general medical at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol and subsequently proceeded to specialist registrar training in Clinical Oncology in Bristol and Cheltenham, completing in 2005. Following this, he spent a year as a Clinical and Research fellow at the Peter MacCallum Cancer institute in Melbourne, Australia prior to taking up a substantive Consultant post in Cheltenham as a Clinical Oncologist in March 2006. His clinical duties are shared between Cheltenham General Hospital and Hereford County Hospital; he specialises in the treatment of patients with breast, lung and brain cancers. He also has an academic interest in clinical ethics and sits on the hospital Clinical Ethics Committee.
Tania, Medical Secretary to Dr Sam Guglani
Telephone: 0845 422 4032