Dr Sam Harding, BSc, MSc, MPhil, DHealthPsych, PhD

Research Fellow

I am a Health Psychologist with qualifications in research methods, medical education, implementation science and leadership.  Over the last twenty years I have conducted research with, and on behalf of the NHS, charities, and commercial research organisations.  I currently work 4 days a week in Research and Innovation (R&I).  I have my own research portfolio, but a major part of my remit is to work with anyone who wants to dip their toe into the world of research, develop their research skills further, or embrace research as a new area of their professional skill set.  The other day in the week I work with the Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit, where I help support the development and delivery of speech and language therapy focused research. 

I’ve had the great fortune to work in primary and secondary health care settings and to have experience across diverse fields including; breast cancer, chronic respiratory disease, hyperbaric medicine, maxillofacial cancer, speech and language therapy and stroke.  I have generally focused on the impact of disease and treatment on the biological, psychological and social aspects of patients outcomes.  But at my core I am a methodologist and like nothing better than finding out about peoples research questions and finding a research method(ology) that enables them to find the answers within the restrictions of the hospital context.

I also have the great fortune to lead the SNAHPer (Scientist, Nurses and allied health professional early researchers) group, where we can support each other to develop into the researchers we want to be.  As well as developing a programme of work (tutorials) to facilitate all staff across the trust to gain and subsequently use research skills to improve our services and patients treatment.  I am also a CAHPR Connector working with multiple universities and hospitals to support AHP developed and lead research, and a member of CARIN (Healthcare Professionals Clinical Academic Roles and Career Pathways Implementation Network).

Current research with BSLTRU

  • Parental understanding of speech and language impairment in their preschool children
  • Positive psychological change

Selected publications

  • Jensen de Lopez KM, Feilberg J, Baena S, Lyons R, Harding S, et al (2021) “So, I told him to look for friends!” Barriers and protecting factors that may facilitate inclusion for children with Language Disorder in everyday social settings: Cross-cultural qualitative interviews with parents. Research in Developmental Disabilities. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2021.103963
  • Jensen de Lopez KM, Lyons R, Novogrodsky R, Baena S, Feilberg J, Harding S, et al (2021) Exploring Parental Perspectives of Childhood Speech and Language Disorders Across 10 Countries: A Pilot Qualitative Study. JSLHR. Doi: 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00415
  • Williams C, Harding S, Wren Y. An Exploratory Study of Speech and Language Therapy Intervention for Children Born With Cleft Palate ± Lip. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. 2020;1-15. Doi.org/10.1177/1055665620954734
  • Coad J, Harding S, Hambly H, et al. Perspectives of preschool children in England with speech and language needs in the development of evidence-based activities. Child Care Health Dev. 2020;1–11. doi.org/ 10.1111/cch.12746
  • Morgan, L., Marshall, J., Harding, S. et al 2019. 'It depends': Characterizing speech and language therapy for preschool children with developmental speech and language disorders. Int J Lang Commun Disord. Doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12498
  • Klatte, I.S., Harding, S. & Roulstone, S. 2019. Speech and language therapists' views on parents' engagement in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). Int J Lang Commun Disord. 
  • Harding, S. 2018. The trajectory of positive psychological change in a head and neck cancer population. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 47(5):578-584.
  • Harding, S. & Moss, T.P. 2018. The impact of treatment for head and neck cancer on positive psychological change within a year of completing treatment. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 47(3):302-308. 
  • Wren, Y., Harding, S., Goldbart, J. and Roulstone, S. 2018. A systematic review and classification of interventions for speech sound disorder in preschool children. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
  • Roulstone, S., Harding, S. & Morgan, L., 2016. Exploring the involvement of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs and their families in decision making - a research project, London: The Communication Trust. 
  • Marshall, J., Harding, S. & Roulstone, S., 2016. Language development, delay and intervention-the views of parents from communities that speech and language therapy managers in England consider to be under-served. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. 
  • Blackwell, A.K.M. et al., 2015. Characteristics of Parent–Child Interactions. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36(2). 
Linked profiles of academic outputs




Web of Science ResearcherID: J-2952-2019


Bristol Medical School - Paediatrics and child health

Collaboration for Communication

King's College London - Dental School

Dr Sam Harding, BSc, MSc, MPhil, DHealthPsych, PhD