Patients are being advised to plan in advance how they travel to Southmead Hospital and allow more travel time to cope with road closures over the next 3 weeks.
From 20 May to 8 June, contractors will be carrying out work on Dorian Way which will affect how staff, patients and the public can access Maternity Buildings, the Emergency Department, and Gloucester House.
Simon Wood, Director of Estates, Facilities and Capital Planning said:
“We apologise for any disruption caused by these essential roadworks, but we are doing everything we can to make sure that delays are kept to a minimum. If members of the public are visiting the hospital, especially the affected buildings, please be sure to leave extra time when arranging travel, as there will be diversions in place which could increase journey times.”
The roadworks will take place in three sections over three weeks, and access to buildings will change between each section.
Signage will be present around all affected entrances and exits to the site which will show the best way to access the relevant buildings.
Pedestrian access will be maintained throughout, but cyclists will need to dismount if they wish to use Dorian Way to access the hospital.
The following bus services will not be able to serve any of the stops on Dorian Road or Dorian Way.
• 77
• 24
• 505
• 506
• 17
Stagecoach (Number 77) have advised that they will be able to stop outside Horfield Leisure Centre (on the A38 Gloucester Road) so it will be possible to disembark here and walk down Dorian Road.
The diversion route which buses will be using to exit and enter site is below.

Emergency Department (ED)
Access to ED via Dorian Road will be maintained for both public and Emergency vehicles throughout the works. However, there will be no access to ED from Southmead Road or Monk’s Park Avenue. This means that Dorian Road is likely to be very busy, as it will be the main route of access to ED for ambulances. The Emergency Department is for life-threatening illness or injury only, but there are other NHS services which the public can access if they are feeling unwell. More information can be found on the NHS website
Maternity buildings (via Donal Early Way)
The Maternity buildings affected are:
• Central Delivery Suite (CDS).
• Percy Phillips Ward.
• Mendip Birth Suite.
• Quantock Ward.
• Antenatal Clinic.
• Antenatal Assessment Unit.
Access to these buildings will change between week 1 (20 – 27 May) and the remainder of the works (27 May – 8 June).
Week 1 (20 – 27 May)
There will be no access to Donal Early Way except via Dorian Road.
Week 2 - 3 (27 May – 8 June)
There will be no access to Donal Early Way via Dorian Road, but access via Monk's Park Way and Southmead Way will become available.
Gloucester House car park
Week 3 (3 – 8 June)
There will be no access to the Gloucester House car park except via Monk's Park Way and Southmead Way.

Graphic showing locations of roadworks over the 3 week period