Pre Operative Assessment Clinic at Southmead

The Pre Operative Assessment Clinic at Southmead Hospital is located at the end of Donal Early Way, past the Central Delivery Suite and through the car park. You can also walk there from the Brunel main entrance.

Patients will be notified if they are required to be seen at the clinic.


Pedestrian route from the Brunel main entrance:

  1. Exit the Brunel building through the main doors and turn right to follow the path alongside the building.
  2. Reach the road and look to your right. You will see a hedge with a gap and the beginning of a path. Cross the road and proceed to the path.
  3. Follow the path. You will see the Willow Café on your right. Just past the café, you should start seeing signs for "Pre-operative assessment".
  4. Continue on the path to the right, and then around to the left.
  5. In the distance, you will see another sign near a Zebra crossing. Once you reach the Zebra crossing, cross it and follow the sign to the left, past the Rosa Burden Centre, towards the Antenatal Clinic.
  6. You will come to another sign near a car park barrier. Follow the path around to the right and you should see an archway. Proceed through the archway.
  7. On the other side, you will see another sign guiding you to the left.
  8. Follow the winding path that ends at Weston Clinic, Pre-operative Assessment.

Driving route from Monks Park Way entrance:

  1. Continue on Monks Park Way until you reach the roundabout by the Brunel main entrance.
  2. Turn left at the roundabout onto Dorian Way.
  3. Take the first left onto Donal Early Way.
  4. You will pass the Rosa Burden Centre before reaching the Antenatal Clinic.  
  5. Take the left hand fork at the Antenatal Clinic which will lead round to a car park with a barrier for cars.
  6. Turn right into the car park.
  7. Continue through the carpark following it all the way around the buildings to the Pre Operative Assessment Clinic entrance.
  8. The Pre Operative Assessment Clinic is at the very end of the car park so if in doubt, keep following this car park.

Travel and parking information

Travel and additional parking information for Southmead Hospital can be found on the Southmead Hospital Bristol page