SWGLH Quality

The South West genomic Laboratory Hub is committed to providing a service of the highest quality.

Information on accreditation, quality assurance including turn around times,  user feedback and complaints procedures can be accessed below



Bristol Genetics Laboratory (BGL) and Exeter Genetics Laboratory (EGL) are UKAS accredited medical laboratories numbers 9307 and 8092. UKAS assesses against the International Standard for medical laboratories, BS EN ISO15189:2012. Further information on accreditation is available via the UKAS website.

Details of activities that are currently provided under the scope of accreditation can be found at:

  1. BGL Schedule of Accreditation
  2. EGL Schedule of Accreditation - link to follow

In certain circumstances laboratory tests will be performed outside the scope of accreditation. This may arise when new services are introduced, for which UKAS accreditation is yet to be awarded. Application for extension to the laboratory scope will be submitted, however, whilst accreditation is pending the test continues to be performed to the same rigorous internal quality control standards and protocols as accredited tests. It should be noted that elements of the Whole Genome Sequencing service are undertaken by an external provider and are, therefore, provided outside the laboratory’s UKAS scope of accreditation.Methods that are currently pending accreditation are as follows:

Unaccredited Tests
Automated slide staining and washing for Fluorescence in situ Hybridisation (FISH) using the Abbott VIP2000 processing unit

UKAS for extension to scope assessment complete. Accreditation process ongoing.

DNA methylation-based classification of central nervous system tumours using MethylationEPIC ArrayUKAS for extension to scope assessment complete. Accreditation process ongoing.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) using Roche solid tumour and haemato-oncology DNA panelsUKAS for extension to scope assessment complete. Accreditation process ongoing.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) using Roche Solid Tumour and haemato-oncology RNA  panelsApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) using EvaGreen technology to confirm RD Copy Number Variants (CNVs)UKAS for extension to scope assessment complete. Accreditation process ongoing.
Myra Liquid Handling Robot used in preparation of digital droplet PCR assaysApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Whole Genome Sequencing sample preparation, analysis and reportingApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) service analysing shallow WGS data through SOPHiA DDM "GIInger" pipelineApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Scanning of MethylationEPIC Arrays for central nervous system tumours using Illumina iScanApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Use of Azure 280 for FSHD1 Southern blotting image captureApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Oncology MSI-Plus NGS serviceApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Univ8 EuroClonality NGS DNA capture panel for MRDApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Illumina GSA Cyto SNP microarray and analysis using Bionano VIA software enterprise Application to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.
Extraction of DNA from saliva and buccal brush samples using the EZ1 BiorobotApplication to UKAS for extension to scope of accreditation submitted. Pending assessment.

External Quality Assessment

The SWGLH participates in a comprehensive range EQA schemes provided by the following:




Where a formal EQA scheme is not available, arrangements for an informal sample swap testing scheme are made with another accredited laboratory.

Target Turnaround Times

The SWGLH is working towards 90% compliance with national reporting time guidelines stated in the table below:

word table with text information SWGLH turn around times



Cancer Genomic Turnaround Times

Below are the turnaround times (TAT) for the Cancer Genomic Services at the South West Genomic Laboratory Hub (SWGLH).  Cancer Genomic Services for the SW GLH are delivered from the Bristol Genetics Laboratory. Unless otherwise stated TAT is measured in calendar days from the date of sample receipt at Bristol Genetics to the point at which a result is returned to the requestor.

Further information on requesting a test can be found at SWGLH Sample and Test Information. 

Solid Tumour Genomics

Please contact SWGLHcancer@nbt.nhs.uk for further information. 

CategoryNHSE TAT Target    2023 Average TATCurrent Average TAT
Tumour NGS Panels21 days13 days [96% in TAT]10 days [100% in TAT]
Tumour Gene Fusion Panel21 days19 days [67% in TAT]12 days [97% in TAT]
Targeted Molecular Analysis14 days9 days [90% in TAT]8 days [100% in TAT]
DPYD5 days1 day [100% in TAT]1 day [100% in TAT]
FISH14 days10 days [82% in TAT]13 days [72% in TAT]


Haematological Malignancy Genomics

Please contact Haem Duty Scientist SWGLHhaemonc@nbt.nhs.uk for further information.

CategoryNHSE TAT Target    2023 Average TATCurrent Average TAT
PML-RARA3 days1 day [100% in TAT]1 day [100% in TAT]
Urgent FISH14 days6 days [89% in TAT]6 days [90% in TAT]
Urgent Karyotype14 days11 days [80% in TAT] 6 days [100% in TAT]
Urgent Molecular Haematology14 days3 days [100% in TAT]3 days [100% in TAT]
Routine FISH21 days14 days [85% in TAT]10 days [100% in TAT]
Routine Karyotype21 days22 days [54% in TAT]11 days [100% in TAT]
Routine Molecular Haematology (e.g. JAK2)14 days10 days [88% in TAT]9 days [91% in TAT]
Haematology NGS Panels21 days16 days [82% in TAT]11 days [99% in TAT]


User Feedback

As the SWGLH , we strive to fulfil the requirements of all our service users and conduct regular user surveys. We are always happy to receive comments and feedback from our service users, please use the contact details below . This drives continual improvement and ensures that our service meets the needs of both referrers and patients.

If you would like to provide feedback please email us mailto: SWGLHenquiries@nbt.nhs.uk


We would like to assure our service users that complaints are taken very seriously and are fully investigated. The SWGLH laboratories respond to complaints in line with their respective Trust complaints policies and procedures. Further information can be found via the links below:

NBT Complaints Procedure

EGL Complaints Procedure

This page was last updated 14/02/2025

SWGLH Quality