The South West Neuromuscular Operational Delivery Network (SWNODN) employs two Psychologists who are based at Southmead Hospital Bristol and Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. They are available to meet with adult patients during specialist neuromuscular clinics, for direct therapeutic work and can also offer telephone consultations if required. They offer psychological advice and support for adults to help with the emotional challenges that can arise, both at the point of diagnosis of a neuromuscular condition and going forward. They work closely with local Clinical Psychology teams around the South West to provide support and specialist knowledge about the challenges of neuromuscular conditions. They can also provide support to families during the transition from paediatric to adult NHS services.

Southmead Hospital Bristol
Dr John Ashworth
John joined the SWNODN in April 2015. He is a Counselling Psychologist who will work with adults who have a confirmed diagnosis of neuromuscular condition. He accepts referrals via the specialist Neuromuscular MDT clinics or the Neuromuscular Advisors.
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Specialist Psychologist (Devon & Cornwall)
There is currently no Specialist Psychologist attached to the SW Neuromuscular ODN for Devon and Cornwall patients.
Patients can be referred to Dr John Ashworth, Counselling Psychologist based in Bristol, for advice or telephone consultations. Contact the SWNODN Office in Bristol in the first instance.