Southmead Hospital

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Phoebe, our Nature Recovery Ranger, in the allotment at Southmead Hospital

Nature Recovery Ranger joins North Bristol NHS Trust

Meet Phoebe, our new Nature Recovery Ranger based at Southmead Hospital. She is one of only three in the country, employed by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, who run the NHS Forest programme of which Southmead Hospital is a registered site...
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NHS in summer operations drive to tackle pandemic backlog

The NHS in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) is aiming to carry out extra operations and outpatient appointments this summer as part of plans to restore routine care after the pandemic. Surgeons, GPs, nurses, therapists and...
Maria Kane

North Bristol NHS Trust welcomes new CEO Maria Kane OBE

Maria Kane OBE joined North Bristol NHS Trust as the new Chief Executive in April 2021. Prior to her appointment at NBT, she held the role of Chief Executive of North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, where she had been in post since December...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Celebrating April's NBT Heroes

Last Friday we celebrated our latest cohort of NBT Heroes! Nominated by their colleagues for their outstanding contribution to making NBT a better place to work and a better place to receive treatment, these staff have gone above and beyond. Though...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

North Bristol NHS Trust launches ‘neurodiversity’ toolkit on World Autism Day

To mark World Autism Day 2021, North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) are launching a toolkit designed to support staff with autism, as well a range of neurological conditions including attention deficit disorders and dyslexia. The launch of the toolkit is...
Janine photo

Apprentice Janine wins national award for her work in the fight against COVID-19

Apprentice Janine wins national award for her work in the fight against COVID-19 Janine Pring, our Respiratory Physiologist Apprentice scooped Gold in the Apprentice of the Year category at the Skills for Health Our Health Heroes Awards. She was...
First vaccine in Bristol

Hospital vaccination hub gives 30,000th dose

The Southmead Hospital Vaccination Hub has delivered it's 30,000th dose just over 100 days after delivering its first vaccine. The milestone was reached on Saturday 20 March 2021, with the first COVID-19 vaccine in Bristol given to 97 year old Jack...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Southmead Hospital using miniature cameras as part of cancer test trial

North Bristol NHS Trust is one of 40 trusts across the country offering patients the colon capsule colonoscopy cameras as part of checks for cancer. Patients will only need to attend Southmead Hospital to swallow the "pill" camera and have a belt...
Nisha - HCS

Healthcare Science Week 2021

Healthcare Science Week is great opportunity to celebrate and recognise all of our NBT Healthcare Scientists, and show how science and technology is vital in modern patient care and changes lives for the better. It’s also an opportunity for our staff...
Two people having a conversation

Consultation plans for stroke services set out

Plans have been set out today (Monday, March 15) for a public consultation on major changes to the area’s stroke services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG). The area’s Stroke Programme Board – made up of stroke survivors...