Southmead Hospital

Latest News

Professor Donald Peebles, Julie Northrop, Jo Crofts, Baroness Merron, Gifty Markey, Rosi Shepherd and Proffesor Sanjoy Shah.

Government Minister meets staff and service users during tour of maternity and neonatal services at Bristol’s Southmead Hospital

Baroness Merron, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Patient Safety, Women's Health and Mental Health, met staff and service users during a tour of Maternity and Neonatal Services at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. The Baroness and Professor...
Glyn Howells, NBT Hospital Managing Director and Professor Stuart Walker, UHBW Hospital Managing Director

North Bristol NHS Trust and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust appoint Hospital Managing Directors

Glyn Howells and Professor Stuart Walker appointed to new positions North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) have today announced the appointment of two Hospital Managing Directors. Glyn...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Positive feedback from NBT patients in latest Adult Inpatient Survey

Patients have rated North Bristol NHS Trust’s (NBT) Southmead Hospital positively in the latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) Adult Inpatient Survey. NBT received scores above the national average for Respect and Dignity, Care and Compassion, and for...
HSJ Awards Trust of the Year 2024 Finalists graphic

NBT Shortlisted for Trust of the Year in the HSJ Awards 2024

We are thrilled to share that NBT has been shortlisted for Trust of the Year in the HSJ Awards 2024! This outstanding achievement is thanks to the over 13,000 colleagues at NBT who work tirelessly every day to provide the best care possible for our...
Photograph of Gifty Markey, Associate Chief Nursing Officer for Mental Health, Learning Disability and Neurodiversity at NBT

North Bristol NHS Trust senior nurse appointed to national joint chair role

A senior nurse at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) has been appointed as joint chair of an influential national equality and diversity group. Gifty Markey, who is Associate Chief Nursing Officer for Mental Health, Learning Disability and Neurodiversity...
Thaminah Chowdhury

Celebrating South Asian Heritage Month 2024

We have been marking South Asian Heritage Month at NBT, and staff have been sharing what their heritage and culture means to them. Here, a couple of our nurses share their experiences: NBT nurse, Thaminah Chowdhury shares her thoughts: "I am proud to...
A digital image of a person in blue scrubs sitting outside a large,  upright, rectangular box, and the word "spirometry" on the screen belowr

More people set to benefit from North Bristol Community Diagnostic Centre as opening of permanent centre moves closer

Almost 6,500 people have benefited from diagnostic tests, scans and procedures at the North Bristol Community Diagnostic Centre since it opened in April. The facility at Cribbs Causeway is run as a partnership between North Bristol NHS Trust and...
Artist impression of a grey building with trees around it

New £49 million surgical centre at Southmead Hospital takes shape

The external structure of the new £49.9 million Elective Centre at Southmead Hospital has now been completed. More than 220 modules have been lifted into place by a crane over six weeks to create the building structure. The centre is a joint project...
The Brunel building exterior on a sunny day.

Healthier Together partnership message: zero-tolerance for racism

The following message is from Healthier Together, our Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System which North Bristol Trust is a part of. We have been shocked and saddened at the violent and racist events that have taken...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Healthwatch speaks to NBT patients about communication while on elective waiting lists

We asked Healthwatch to find out how we can support people on waiting lists for elective surgery and surgical investigations, with a focus on marginalised and seldom-heard communities. We wanted to know what's working well and what needs improvement...