Doctors receiving new medical equipment

Donate to Research

Whether it’s a one-off donation, or a commitment to regular giving, your generous contributions are a key factor in supporting our clinical research studies and related developments.

Southmead Hospital Charity logo

Since the beginning of the pandemic, donors have given over £300,000 to support research at NBT, significantly boosting our efforts to find the best treatments for COVID-19, in addition to our other ongoing research. These donations have benefited thousands of our patients through enhanced healthcare measures and improved quality of life.

Donating to Research could not be easier through Southmead Hospital Charity. Whatever you can give, your donation powers our work to make your NHS better today, and for tomorrow's generation.

Donate to Research today

If you would like to discuss giving a large donation, donating to a specific research fund, or are interested in leaving a gift in your will, please get in touch with us via:

Sally Bennett, Head of Fundraising
Telephone: 0117 414 3897

Alternatively, you can donate by phone on 0117 414 0170 or by cheque. Simply address your mailing to:

Southmead Hospital Charity Research Fund
Kendon House
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB

On behalf of the entire Research & Innovation Team, thank you for supporting research at North Bristol NHS Trust.

Support Research

Doctor conducting research at NBT

With your help, we can fund ground-breaking medical research for generations to come.

Meet the Research & Development Team

Research Nurses at NBT

Want to find out more about our research? Simply get in touch with a member of our team here.

Contact Research

Research & Development
North Bristol NHS Trust
Level 3, Learning & Research building
Southmead Hospital
Bristol, BS10 5NB

Telephone: 0117 4149330