Network aim
The Severn Major Trauma Network is committed to reducing avoidable deaths and life-limiting injuries. We aim to improve care for seriously injured patients across the whole patient pathway from the point of injury to rehabilitation. This is achieved by collaboration between multiple specialties, professions and organisations. We strive to ensure patients gain the best outcomes to regain independence after serious injury (which can sometimes be life-changing), getting patients back to their previous lives, roles within their family and social networks, work and education.
Philosophy of Care
As a network, we aim to deliver exceptional care for all our patients. This care should be of the highest quality, delivered with respect and dignity in a safe environment, regardless of where in the region your incident happens or where you receive your care. This care is individually tailored for the needs of each patient and will involve their families or carers as appropriate.
Our Network strives to ensure care coordination and holistic management and support for patients throughout their stay in hospital, onwards to any local hospital/service; guiding patients through these transitions in their recovery.
We constantly evaluate and improve the care that is delivered by adhering to a robust governance programme that includes participation in audit, education and research, feeding into national bodies to continually improve care and rehabilitation after Major Trauma.