Self-referral for Pelvic Health Physiotherapy at North Bristol NHS Trust

Submitted by Stew Bayldon on
Who can the Pelvic Health Physiotherapy team help?
This service is available for women and people assigned female at birth, who are over the age of 16 and have any of the symptoms listed below.
Physiotherapy can help a range of pelvic health conditions which include:

Problems with your pelvic floor muscles at any stage in life:
•    Leaking urine
•    Leaking poo/wind
•    Bladder or bowel urgency
•    Pelvic organ prolapse
•    Pelvic pain

Problems occurring in pregnancy or after birth:

•    Pelvic girdle pain
•    Lower back pain 
•    Rib pain 
•    Hip pain 
•    Coccyx pain

These are common problems that can affect women and people assigned female at birth but they are not something you have to put up with, seeing a pelvic health physiotherapist can help to reduce or resolve these problems.

What is self-referral and what do I need to do?
Self-referral is another way of getting to see a pelvic health Physiotherapist. It means that you don’t need to see the GP and wait for them to refer you. 

Please complete all questions on the form, this is to help the Physio team decide on the correct treatment for you.  Any incomplete forms will not be accepted and you risk not being seen by the physio team.

If you are unable to complete the form, please ask your GP, Midwife or healthcare professional for help.

Who is the self-referral NOT for?
The referral is not for men, children or for separation of the stomach muscles (diastasis recti of the abdominus muscle).  These will need to be referred to the Pelvic Health team by your GP.
What will happen next?
A specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist will look at the information you have written on the form and then once you are near the top of the waiting list you will be contacted with an appointment.  The treatment you receive will be the same as if your GP had referred you.
How do I know if I should see my GP?
If you have any concerns, you can always make an appointment to see your GP in the usual way and ask for a Physiotherapy referral or self-refer once you have seen them.

General screening 

The below information is about your general health, not just your pelvic health problem and it's important that you read it carefully. This will make sure that any potential serious problems or 'red flags' are dealt with correctly by your GP or healthcare professional. 

You will have opportunity to tell us about your pelvic health symptoms further down the page.

If you have any of the following symptoms, please speak to a GP before referring yourself to pelvic health physiotherapy:

  • Burning or stinging sensation when you pee
  • Blood in your pee.
  • Unusual or unexpected bleeding or staining from the vagina.
  • Blood in your poo (without other symptoms of piles).
  • Persistent change in your bowel habit (needing to go more often, having runny poo and sometimes tummy pain).
  • Persistent lower tummy pain, bloating or discomfort (always caused by eating and maybe associated with loss of appetite or significant weight loss).

I have read and understood the above, and I don’t have any of the above symptoms

Tick one of the boxes below

Please see your GP/Healthcare provider if you are unsure or do not understand the information above. Please ask them to make the referral for you, once you have discussed your problem with them.

Cauda equina 

Cauda Equina Syndrome is a rare but severe condition where the nerves at the bottom of the spine become compressed. 

If you have new sudden and severe low back pain and/or leg pain AND any of the following symptoms which started within the last two weeks, or your symptoms are getting worse then please do not complete this form and call NHS 111 or attend A&E as you may require immediate medical attention:

  • Loss of feeling pins and needles between your inner thighs or genitals.
  • Numbness in or around your anus or buttocks.
  • Altered feeling when using toilet paper to wipe yourself.
  • Increasing difficulty when you try to stop or control your flow of pee.
  • Loss of sensation when you pee.
  • Leaking urine or recent need to use pads.
  • Not knowing when your bladder is either full or empty.
  • Unable to hold on when you need to poo or leak poo.
  • Inability to stop a bowel movement or leaking.
  • Loss of sensation in the vulva/vagina during sexual intercourse.

If you have had low back pain and/or leg pain AND any of the symptoms above for more than two weeks and they are not getting worse then please make an appointment with your GP, before seeing a pelvic health physiotherapist.

I have read and understood the above, and I don’t have any of the above symptoms

Tick one of the boxes below

Please see your GP/Healthcare provider if you are unsure or do not understand the information above. Please ask them to make the referral for you, once you have discussed your problem with them.

Referring yourself to Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Please complete all the details below and press submit.

Address, including postcode:
Can we leave a voice message?
Are you currently serving in the armed forces and require treatment that is unable to be provided within forces medical services?
Does your condition prevent you from providing care to a dependent you live with?
Have you ever been diagnosed with a Learning Disability?
Do you need an interpreter?

Your pelvic health problem

Your symptoms

Please select all that apply. 

Pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms:
Pregnancy or postnatal musculoskeleteal related symptoms (under six months from delivery):


How long have you had this problem?

Getting worse?

Are your symptoms getting worse?


Are you, or have you in the last year been, pregnant?
Off Wide

If you live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire you will be able to self-refer to see a member of the Pelvic Health Physiotherapy team.

We can also accept referrals from your GP, Consultant, Midwife or other healthcare professional.

Accessing NHS Careers Mentoring scheme

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Accessing NHS Careers Mentoring scheme

We offer support and training to help you get into employment. 

You will have an assigned mentor and access to many optional training sessions, all to get you closer to your dream career!

What we can offer you

A mentor

Your mentor will help you to develop a plan to achieve your goals, and support you along the way.

Courses and Qualifications

We can offer maths, English, IT, Employability and much more!

Practical Experience

We can arrange work experience and shadowing in your chosen career

Career Guidance

We offer career guidance, from CV preparation and simulated interviews to help with apprenticeships and further study.


To register visit or email

The West of England Mayoral Combined Authority is working in partnership with NBNHST to deliver the Mayoral Priority Skills Fund. This find provides flexible grant to meet the current priority skills gaps in the region. This project is funded/part -funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. For more information visit and 

Funded by UK Government

Funded by UK Government

Levelling up

Levelling Up

Skills connect

Skills Connect



Commitment to Our Community

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Being an anchor in our Community is one of our key Trust objectives. This in an important part of our Trust strategy, launched in February 2023 with our overall aim of delivering outstanding patient experience. An overview of the strategy can be found on the Trust Strategy page. 

We take pride in being an ‘Anchor in our Community’ and the Commitment to our Community improvement priority focuses on how we can reduce inequalities, improve health outcomes and how we can make sure that our staff are truly representative of the communities that we serve in and around Bristol. 

We have recently launched our Commitment to Our Community Plan which aims to:

  • Focus on increasing the number of people employed at NBT from our local communities, particularly supporting people from an ethnic minority background and those from socio-economically disadvantaged areas in and around Bristol. 
  • Address recruitment disparities for candidates from ethnic minority backgrounds where the data tells us that people are less likely to be appointed from shortlisting.

What do we plan to do?

  • Work with our local schools, colleges, councils, and community areas to provide mentoring and skills support for local residents into employment, apprenticeship, and career opportunities at NBT. 
  • Provide a range of support to help people become work ready and improve their employability skills.
  • Review our current recruitment processes to make sure that they are accessible and equitable and introduce more targeted recruitment and selection interventions that reduce the disparity that exists.
  • Work with a range of disadvantaged groups to support them into employment, apprenticeship, and career opportunities at NBT.

What can you do?

Explore our career opportunities on the Careers page, we have a wide range of roles to suit your interest and work in an environment that gives you the chance to make a difference every single day. 

If you would like to find out more about the Commitment to Our Community Plan and what support is available to you, please contact our careers inbox for any inquiries:

Ongoing Commitment

This plan is just one part of our Commitment to Our Community to support and engage with our local areas. Stay tuned for more initiatives and updates as we continue to build a stronger, more inclusive community together.

Together, we can make a real difference.

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Procedure for Requesting Additional Blood Sciences (Biochemistry, Haematology and Immunology) Tests

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Procedure for Requesting Additional Blood Sciences Tests

(Biochemistry, Haematology and Immunology)

We are aware that on occasion it is necessary to request additional tests for a sample already in the laboratory.

Method of requesting

Requests may be received via either ICE mail or by telephone. 
ICE mail add-ons are actioned 24hrs per day. For urgent requests contact the laboratory directly, for all other requests please use ICE mail.

Lab contact details

  • External call 0117 414 8383, select option 2
  • Internal call ext. 48383, select option 2
  • External call to Switchboard 0117 9505050
  • Biochemistry (Bleeps. 9436 or 9437) 
  • Haematology (Bleeps. 9433).

Biochemistry and Haematology Lab Routine Opening Hours

  • Weekdays, weekends and Bank Holidays 08:00 - 21:30

Out of hours

  • Weekdays, weekends and Bank Holidays 21:30 - 08:00

Immunology laboratory

  • Weekdays 08:00 - 16:00

We will accommodate additional requests where possible, provided that:

  • The appropriate specimen type with sufficient sample remaining is available for the requested test.
  • The test does not require special specimen handling.

To request an additional test, please provide following information

  • Sample Number (available on ICE, instructions here-  

  • Name of patient
  • Tests to be added
  • Name and phone number of requester

If the add-on test is urgent, ensure this is communicated to the lab when requesting the add-on.

Guidelines for Additional Requests

Unstable! – add-ons are  NOT appropriateWithin 24 hours of venepunctureWithin 48 hours of venepunctureUp to three days after
AmmoniaHaematology tests –FBC and RET.Haematology tests –  PV, GF and G6PD.U&E, LFTs
BicarbonateCoagulation - DIM, INR, CSC.Vitamin B12Bone, Mg
Lactate (unless fluoride tube)CSF LactateFolateTFTs
Anti-Mullerian HormoneTroponin IDigoxinBNP
MesothelinMalaria Parasites (include travel details)PTH (EDTA Tube)Cortisol, hCG, LDH, Lipids, 
Oestradiol, Paracetamol
Phenytoin, SHBG
CH50/AP50Requests for Film Reviews (FR) - these will be vetted by Haematology. Non-antenatal Haemoglobinopathy Screens
C1 Esterase InhibtorConjugated/Direct Bilirubin HbA1c
Any Chemistry test that needs to be referred frozen   

Please note that requesting an additional test is not appropriate for Antimicrobial or Microbiology assays.

Immunology & Immunogenetics Laboratory Contact Details

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Departmental Secretaries
Telephone: 0117 4148396

Immunology Laboratory
Telephone: 0117 4148378

Cellular Immunology/Immunophenotyping
Telephone: 0117 4148377

Tissue Typing
Telephone: 0117 4148375

Dr Mark Gompels
Consultant Immunologist
Telephone: 0117 4148396

Dr Sarah Johnston
Consultant Immunologist
Telephone: 0117 4148396

Dr Alexandros Grammatikos
Consultant Immunologist
Telephone: 0117 4148396

Dr Phil Bright
Consultant Immunologist
Telephone: 0117 4148396

Dr Adrian Heaps
Head of Department
Telephone: 0117 4148473

Sarinder Day
Lead Clinical Scientist Immunogenetics
Telephone: 0117 4148365

Nigel Noel
Lead Health Care Scientist Flow Cytometry
Telephone: 0117 4148561

Allison Brixey
Blood Sciences Laboratory Manager
Telephone: 0117 4148416

Joanne Skingley
Blood Sciences Operations Manager
Telephone: 0117 4148498

Cosmia Mutton
Quality Manager
Telephone: 0117 4148372

For Allergy and Immunology clinical advice, the clinicians and nursing team can be contacted:
1. via the secretaries on 0117 4143456, 9-5, no on-call service provided
2. via switchboard to our individual mobiles if clinician specific advice required, 9-5
3. via the immunology SpR bleep 9287, 9-5, no on-call service provided
4. via email inbox monitored daily


Contact Immunology & Immunogenetics

Head of Department
Dr Adrian Heaps
Telephone: 0117 4148473

Clinical Lead
Dr Sarah Johnston
Telephone: 0117 4148370

Blood Sciences Laboratory Manager
Allison Brixey
Telephone: 0117 4148416

General Enquiries/Secretaries
Telephone: 0117 4143456


Normal Laboratory Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm

Immunology & Immunogenetics Laboratory Contact Details

Pathology Accreditation and Compliance Status

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Further Information


The Department of Immunology and Immunogenetics is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No.8067

Our accredited activities are described in our UKAS schedule of accreditation

The Bristol Genetics Laboratory is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No.9307

Our accredited activities are described in our UKAS schedule of accreditation

The Department of Clinical Biochemistry is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No.8071

Our accredited activities are described in our UKAS schedule of accreditation

Changes to accreditation are listed below: 

The Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No 8066

Our accredited activities are described in our UKAS schedule of accreditation

The Infection Sciences Departments  (Antimicrobial Reference Laboratory, Bacteriology, Mycology & Virology) are UKAS accredited medical laboratories Nos. 8043 (UKHSA) and 8099 (NBT)

Our accredited activities are described in our UKAS schedule of accreditation for 8043 and schedule of accreditation for 8099

The Department of Cellular Pathology is a UKAS accredited medical laboratory No 8130

Our accredited activities are described in our UKAS schedule of accreditation

The list of tests which are accredited is below:






Accreditation Compliance Status

Immunology – HLA Typing & Renal Crossmatching

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HLA Typing, Serum Screening and Renal Crossmatching
Full HLA types are determined for both recipients of organ transplants and potential organ donors. The laboratory offers comprehensive serum screening of potential transplant recipients for HLA antibodies.  The results, together with information on HLA sensitisation events such as blood transfusion, pregnancies and previous transplants, aid in selecting patients for transplant. Finally donor organs are crossmatched against recipient serum to confirm compatibility prior to transplant.

HLA Typing for Drug Hypersensitivities
Screening for HLA-B*57:01 which is associated with hypersensitivity to the drug abacavir, used in HIV treatment, is offered by the laboratory.

HLA Typing for Disease Associations 
Some HLA types have specific disease associations, the most common are given below. Whilst the laboratory is able to offer screening  for these HLA types, it is  important to remember that these are associated with, but not diagnostic for, the disease in question.

HLA TypeAssociated Diseases
HLA-B27Ankylosing Spondylitis, Uvieitis
HLA-B51(5)Behcets Syndrome
HLA-A29Birdshot Chorioretinopathy (Birdshot Uveitis)
HLA-DQ2,DQ8(3)                                                 Coeliac Disease
Test Information Immunology – HLA Typing & Renal Crossmatching

Pathology Sciences Quality Policy

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Severn Pathology (North Bristol NHS Trust Pathology Sciences and UKHSA Bristol Laboratory) is committed to setting and achieving high quality standards that meet the needs and requirements of its users.

Severn Pathology will:

  • Operate a quality management system to integrate the organisation, procedures, processes, and resources, and ensure this is continually reviewed for fitness for purpose.
  • Ensure that personnel comply with the policies of North Bristol NHS Trust and UK Health Security Agency as required.
  • Establish and review quality objectives and plans to implement this quality policy and to achieve continual quality improvement.
  • Ensure that all personnel are familiar with this quality policy and comply with the quality manual and all procedures relevant to their work to ensure user satisfaction.
  • Encourage good communication between all staff.
  • Commit to the health, safety, and welfare of its staff.  Visitors to the department will be treated with respect, and due consideration will be given to their safety while on site.
  • Commit to comply with relevant environmental legislation.
  • Uphold professional values and be committed to good professional practice and conduct.

Severn Pathology will comply with the requirements of all relevant regulatory bodies, population screening programmes, the Data Protection Act 2018, and ISO 15189; and is committed to:

  • The treatment of patients, samples and remains with due care and respects.
  • Staff recruitment, training, development and retention at all levels to provide a full and effective service to its users.
  • The proper procurement and maintenance of such equipment and other resources as are needed for the provision of the service.
  • The collection, transport and handling of all specimens in such a way as to ensure the correct performance of laboratory examinations.
  • The use of examination procedures that will ensure the acceptable quality of all tests performed and are fit for their intended use.
  • Reporting results of examinations in ways which are timely, confidential, accurate and clinically useful.
  • The assessment of user satisfaction, in addition to internal audit and external quality assessment, as part of its commitment to continual quality improvement.
  • Providing a comprehensive diagnostic service for Pathology, incorporating a number of national reference laboratories.
  • The safe and timely provision of blood and blood products, initiation of recall and the external reporting (SABRE scheme) of transfusion related incidents. 

Signed by:   

Mr D. Fisher, Pathology Services Director

Mr J. Steer, UK Health Security Agency Regional Head of Operations 

Quality Policy