Blood Transfusion

The Blood Transfusion Department is part of the Department of Haematology, Southmead Hospital. The Department provides a 24-hour service from Southmead Hospital to meet the demands of the local hospitals and community. 

Contacting the laboratory:

Routine hours (Monday - Sunday 8am to 10pm)

Telephone: 0117 4148350

Out of hours - a Biomedical Scientist (BMS) can be contacted via switchboard or bleep 9433. Please be aware the out of hours service has minimal staff.

Departmental Structure

Head of Department
Dr. Alastair Whiteway

Consultant with responsibility for Transfusion
Dr. Michelle Melly

Transfusion Laboratory Manager
Mr. Tim Wreford-Bush

Specialist Practitioner of Transfusion
Dr. Karen Mead

Transfusion Practitioner
Mooi Tay

HSST in Blood Transfusion
Emma Chambers

Staff Contacts

Dr Karen Mead
Telephone: 0117 4148358 (ext 48358)
Mobile: 07785485532

Mr Tim Wreford-Bush
Telephone: 0117 4148363
(ext 48363)

Mooi Tay
Transfusion Practitioner
Telephone: 0117 4148358 (ext 48358)

Emma Chambers
Telephone 0117 4140403 (ext 40403)

Sarah Bowen
Blood Track Administrator
Telephone 0117 4147120

Other contacts:

BloodTrack Enquiries use

Blood Traceability use

Specific patient notifications (eg DARA, Irradiated, Anti-D requests) use

Not for routine use but is monitored:

Departmental Services

•    Issuing of Compatible Blood Components
•    Blood Product Issue
•    Blood Grouping and Antibody Screening
•    Kleihauers (for fetal leaks)
•    Clinical Advice
•    Blood Transfusion Training Services 
•    BloodTrack support

Blood Components and Products Available

  • Red Blood Cells
  • Platelets
  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
  • Cryoprecipitate
  • Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC)
  • Coagulation Factor Concentrates
  • Human Albumin Solution (HAS)
  • Anti-D Immunoglobulin

Useful Links

General Educational Resources

Patient Blood Management

Blood Transfusion Patient Consent

Beriplex Administration