Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

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North Bristol NHS Trust is committed to ensuring it delivers inclusive health services for all. Respect, dignity, civility, compassion and care are at the core of how we treat each other and all our partners at NBT as patient safety, experience and outcomes are all improved when staff are valued, empowered, and supported.

Staff equality groups

Come and join our staff equality groups. Email us in confidence to get details of meetings, training events and more.

  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
  • Disabled and Neurodiverse
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans+
  • Women -be added to contact list
  • Religion and Belief –be added to contact list

Declare your equality information

Tell us who you are through your electronic staff record.

You can contact the EDI Team by emailing Inclusion@nbt.nhs.uk.

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Declaration of Interests

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NBT’s Declarations of Interest Policy is in line with NHS England guidance and it is important that all staff are familiar with the principles set out.

All relevant interests should be declared, even where no conflict currently exists or is anticipated.

It is an NHS Constitution Key Principle that ‘All NHS staff must seek to ensure that they are not placed in a position which risks, or appears to risk, conflict of interest between individuals and the interests of the Trust’.


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Joint Union Committee

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The Joint Union Committee (JUC) consists of representatives from all of the Trade Unions recognised and based at North Bristol NHS Trust.

There are a number of Trade Unions and Professional Associations that negotiate on a regular basis with North Bristol NHS Trust on behalf of all staff. A full list of those representatives is available on the Unions page of LINK, our intranet, once you have computer access. Whatever your role, and where ever you work, there are trained trade union representatives who can support you over a wide range of workplace issues.

The JUC meets monthly to discuss issues that affect all staff within the Trust.

In addition, a monthly meeting of the Joint Consultative and Negotiating Committee(JCNC) takes place, where members of the JUC meet with management representatives to negotiate on certain issues. 

Union representatives are involved in individual staff issues, as well as a range of various matters that affect all staff.

Any member of staff is welcome to contact the Trade Union Office on 0117 414 8550 or email TradeUnions@nbt.nhs.uk for further advice on which union is best for you.

On behalf of Joint Union Committee Members, Welcome to NBT.


Wide On Off

At NBT, we have a wide range of apprenticeships available in both Clinical and Non-Clinical occupations to support your career development. Apprenticeships are an excellent way to gain valuable skills and qualifications whilst remaining in your current role. Apprenticeships start at level 2 and go up to level 7, which is equivalent to a Master's degree.

Apprenticeships make a big difference to staff

  • Earn while you learn.
  • Receive recognised qualifications.
  • Benefit from ongoing and personalised support.
  • Gain real work experience.
  • Improve your employability.
  • Develop your skills.

The need-to-knows

  • Apprenticeships are fully funded – staff do not have to pay for their apprenticeship.
  • All NBT staff who are eligible are offered the opportunity to undertake a programme of learning.
  • Whilst completing your apprenticeship, you are given time to complete activities towards your qualification in work hours, this is called “off the job.
  • Apprenticeships are functional work-based qualifications and therefore need to relate to the current role.  Apprentices will be demonstrating evidence to meet the apprenticeship assessment criteria.
  • There are a range of clinical and non-clinical apprenticeships available from Level 2 to Level 7 (masters degree equivalent).
  • Apprenticeship levels do not directly equate to NHS banding levels.
  • You will find a brochure of apprenticeships on LINK 

How does the 20% off-the-job training work?

20% off-the-job training is a statutory requirement for apprentices. It is training, which is received by the apprentice, during their normal working hours, for the purpose of achieving the knowledge, skills, and behaviours of the apprenticeship.

It is gained by attending study sessions, completing role-play or simulation exercises, undertaking online learning, practical training such as shadowing and mentoring and writing assessments or workbooks.

Apprenticeships help managers and teams in several ways

  • Staff develop skills relevant to their organisation.
  • Improved productivity and quality.
  • Training can be adapted according to the needs of your department.
  • Staff are motivated to learn new skills.
  • Helps to expand and upskill your workforce.

How do managers support an apprentice?

  • Engage with the programme.
  • Incorporate apprenticeship as part of your appraisals.
  • Provide support, guidance, and feedback.
  • Support with mentors and peer guidance.

Apprenticeship Vacancies

Advertising roles as apprenticeships is something we are increasing at NBT.  Many of our roles both clinical and non-clinical are aligned to apprenticeships.  Utilising the “Find an Apprenticeship” website, designed for those individuals who are looking for an apprenticeship, we can maximise the target reach of vaccines to directly to those looking to start their career with us.  If you are recruiting and would like to know more, please contact paula.ward@nbt.nhs.uk for more information.

Feedback from our Apprentices:

Apprenticeships can have a hugely positive impact on individuals and lead to not only an increase in knowledge and skills but also confidence and progression opportunities:

Apprentice feedback


Apprentice feedback


You will find more information on LINK, our intranet, once you have computer access. 


Statutory & Mandatory Training

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Mandatory training includes any statutory or compulsory training that you are required to do. 

Information will be provided at your Induction on how to access LEARN, our eLearning platform, and complete your training. 

Remember your mandatory and statutory training must be completed within your first week and local orientation should be completed within four weeks of your arrival. Your line manager must also sign your local orientation form and update your records.

Depending on your role and responsibilities you may be required to undertake a number of clinical competencies.

Travelling to Work

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We encourage staff to choose to travel to work in a way which will make a positive contribution to our commitment to reaching carbon net zero by 2030.

If you can, walking, wheeling or cycling to work are the best options, followed by public transport.

You can save money, improve your own and others’ health and wellbeing and help make air quality in the local area better.

Contact Travel Smart for more information on any of the options below.

Personal travel plan

Free personal travel plan

We can create a bespoke travel plan to identify all the ways you can travel to our sites, just send us your postcode and shift times.





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Walk or run

  • Shower, changing and personal locker facilities on site.
  • Route planning support.





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  • Secure cycle stores for parking your bike.
  • Borrow an electric, standard or folding bike from us for a month, for free.
  • Save money on a new bike and spread the cost over 6-18 months with the Cycle to Work scheme.
  • Free bike safety checks, maintenance lessons and giveaways.
  • Route planning support.





Bus icon

Catch a bus

  • Discounted tickets from FirstBus and Stagecoach.
  • Conveniently located bus stops.
  • More than 25 buses arrive every hour during peak time.







  • Free parking on-site by applying for a free electronic permit, contact parkingenquiries@nbt.nhs.uk .
  • Secure, undercover parking.
  • Discounts at various stores and discounted CBT.





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Car sharing with colleagues

  • Free online platform Join My Journey matches you with other staff.
  • Dedicated parking spaces alongside a car share passenger permit.
  • Guaranteed Ride Home Policy.
  • Save money by splitting petrol and parking costs.





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Car parking

To park on-site, there is a Parking Permit System.

  • You can apply on your first day of Induction. Further information will be provided. 
  • Must only park in dedicated staff car parks.

There are different permit types available:


Peak: For use 24/7, 365 days a year. Charged at 1.4% of your annual salary.

Off-Peak: For use on nights (from18:00 till 09:30 Monday to Friday) and all day on Saturday & Sunday. Charged at 0.6% of your annual salary.

Occasional: Limited to 90 days a year parking. This is a free permit but must be used in conjunction with a scratch card. Scratch cards cost £20 for a book of 10.

New starters are eligible for a one-off parking permit to cover the first day/s of induction. This will be sent with your induction information.  


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Travel for work purposes

  • Access to Pool Cars.
  • Free for you to use and cheaper for your department.
  • 24/7 online booking system.
  • Can be booked from 15 minutes to 365 days in advance.



Travelling to Work Further Information

Having a blood sample taken

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Why do I need a blood test?

There may be many reasons why you have been asked to have a blood test by your GP or consultant:

  • To aid a diagnosis
  • To monitor treatment
  • To exclude a particular condition
  • Prior to a Blood Transfusion

The procedure is called venepuncture or phlebotomy. Thousands of these are performed every day all over the country by trained staff.

The procedure is very quick. Some patients do feel some discomfort and occasionally bruising can occur.

Please let your phlebotomist know if you have any disabilities or anxieties which make having blood taken difficult, or if you required additional assistance or an escort.

The procedure

A fully trained or supervised member of staff (doctor, nurse or phlebotomist) will place an elasticated tourniquet around your arm, just above the elbow.

A small area of your arm will be cleaned with a swab containing alcohol, left to dry, and then a small needle will be inserted into a vein, usually on the arm although (rarely it may be necessary to select an alternative site.

Blood is drawn into the sample tube(s) and then the needle is removed. It is possible that more than one tube will need to be collected for all tests to be completed. The phlebotomist will then usually place a small amount of cotton wool over the site and apply pressure until any bleeding has stopped. The area is then usually covered with a sticking plaster. Some patients take longer to stop bleeding than others (e.g if on anticoagulants like warfarin). You should stop bleeding prior to leaving the area where your blood has been taken.

Important: please let us know if you are allergic to sticking plasters.

What happens now?

Will it hurt afterwards?

The procedure should not be very painful, and most patients will just feel a small sting as the needle is inserted.

Residual bruising is normal and harmless; it will disperse with time and should not require treatment.

Sample labelling

The labelling of the sample/s MUST always be done in your presence. Some samples will be labelled with a sticky label which contains a barcode and all of your details. The person taking the blood should sign and note the time it was taken. Samples for blood transfusion (pink lids) must be handwritten by the person taking your blood. In both instances, they should label the samples whilst in your presence and confirm your full name and date of birth for verification.

After your blood has been collected the phlebotomist must label the tube with your patient details:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Hospital or NHS number
  • Date sample taken
  • Time sample taken
  • Name of person taking the blood

Your rights

You have every right, as a patient, to check with the person taking your blood that it has been labelled correctly with your details.

What happens to my sample then?

Your sample is sent to the pathology laboratory to join many other samples having the same tests.

Pathology laboratories process thousands of samples every day so getting your details correct is important.

It is very important that:

  • The sample has been correctly labelled with your details
  • The right tube has been used to collect your blood sample

Please do not contact the laboratory for your results. These will be reported directly to your GP or consultant who will then be able to discuss these with you.

Please be aware that occasionally tests may need to be repeated or follow-up tests arranged.

Related links (to Severn Pathology)

24 hour urine collection

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What sample container will I receive?

A sample container is provided for a 24 hour urine collection. Some containers contain a preservative (strong liquid acid or powder). This must not be thrown away.

The label on the container will tell you if there is a preservative, and you should take care not to spill or touch any as it could burn the skin, even when mixed with urine.

If you spill the preservative, advice for first aid for skin or eye contact is on the back of the container.

When do I collect the sample?

It will be easiest if you choose a day when you will be at home for a 24-hour period. If you have to go out, take your container with you. On your chosen day, begin at the usual time when you wake. The end of the collection is 24 hours later.

Start of collection: 8am or when you wake

Empty your bladder completely and flush the urine down the toilet. You will now have an empty bladder and the collection of urine starts from this point.

Write the date and time on the bottle. For the rest of the day and overnight collect all urine passed, into the container.

You may find it easier to collect the urine in clean smaller container, and straight away carefully pour it into the sample container.

End of collection: 8am or 24 hours later

After 24 hours (at the same time as the previous day) empty your bladder completely and add this urine to the container.

Don’t add any more urine. Write the date and time. This completes the collection.

Make sure that during and after the collection the container is kept in a cool place.

You will need to stop the collection and start again with a new container if:

  • You have a bowel movement (poo) and are unable to collect the urine separately.
  • Any of the urine is accidently discarded during the collection.

After the sample has been collected

Check the cap is screwed on firmly. Carefully fill in all details required on the container label including your name, date, and hospital/NHS number. 

Please note: any container received unlabeled cannot be accepted and you would have to repeat the collection. 

If you don’t have your NHS/hospital number or the barcode label please contact your GP surgery, ward, or clinic.

What to do with the collected sample

Check that all details have been filled clearly on the label. Deliver the container (and the request form if you were given one), as soon as possible directly to the laboratory, hospital, or your GP. 

Laboratory Specimen Reception 
Pathology Sciences Building 
Southmead Hospital 
BS10 5NB 
Opening hours: 8am-10pm

Further Information

Further information can be found at:



© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published July 2024. Review due July 2027. NBT002424

Related links (to Severn Pathology)

Basal Cell Carcinoma

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What is Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer, which develops in the top layer of the skin (epidermis). They usually grow slowly, and they rarely spread to other parts of the body.

Basal cell carcinomas can occur anywhere on the body but are most common in areas that are exposed to the sun such as your face, head, neck, and ears.

If left untreated, Basal cell carcinomas will continue to grow and can eventually cause an ulcer; hence they can have the name ‘rodent ulcer’. They can start to destroy surrounding skin if they are left to continue to enlarge over time.

Most Basal cell carcinomas are painless, although sometimes they can be itchy or bleed.

What does Basal Cell Carcinoma look like?

Basal cell carcinomas can vary in their appearance.

  • They are often first noticed as a scab that bleeds and does not heal completely or a new lump on the skin. Basal cell carcinomas can develop as a nodule that progressively and slowly enlarges.
  • Some Basal cell carcinomas are superficial and look like a scaly red flat mark on the skin.
  • Others form a lump and have a pearl-like rim surrounding a central crater and there may be small red blood vessels present across the surface.
  • Any new lesions need to be shown to a doctor.

What causes Basal Cell Carcinoma?

Although the cause is not fully understood, those with the highest risk of developing a Basal cell carcinoma are:

  • People with pale skin who burn easily and rarely tan (generally with light coloured or red hair, although some may have dark hair but still have fair skin).
  • Those that have had a lot of exposure to the sun, such as people with outdoor hobbies or outdoor workers, and people who have lived in sunny climates.
  • People who have used sunbeds or have regularly sunbathed.

What types of treatment are used?

Most Basal cell carcinomas are removed surgically, and the lesion is sent to the lab, to be examined under the microscope. It may take two to three weeks for the results of the biopsy to be sent back to the consultant.

Occasionally it is necessary to repair the area with a skin graft or other types of plastic surgery.

Some very superficial lesions can be treated with topical creams.

If all the cancer has been completely removed or treated, you should view yourself as ‘cured’. If no further treatment is required, you may be informed by letter, without the need to return to the hospital.

Looking ahead

If you have had one Basal Cell Carcinoma, new Basal Cell Carcinomas may sometimes develop over the years.

  • Check your skin monthly for any existing or new skin lumps or moles that enlarge, change colour, bleed, or itch. Most changes are harmless, but they may indicate the start of a new skin cancer. See your General Practitioner if in doubt.
  • Take care whilst in the sun by wearing protective clothing and using high factor sunscreens (SPF 30+).
  • Wearing a hat with a large brim is recommended.
  • Avoid strong sunshine from 11am to 3pm.
  • Avoid using sunbeds.
  • Pass on the message to friends and family about protecting themselves and checking their moles and skin.

How to contact us

Skin Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists

0117 414 7415