This group of volunteers provide feedback from their lived experience, share ideas and sit on groups and committees across the organisation to ensure the voice of patients and carers is heard. They sit on recruitment panels for some staff roles...
Every year we recognise and celebrate individuals and teams across our Trust who have been nominated by their colleagues for making a real difference to others. The 21 winners were nominated by their colleagues or on behalf of patients who shared the...
North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) have today announced their decision to move to a Joint Chair and Joint Chief Executive as the first and important step on a journey to establish a...
The gynaecology surgical programme at Southmead Hospital in Bristol has carried out 24 robotic-assisted procedures in a single weekend, setting a record for NHS trusts in the South West region and matching the national record . Over the weekend of 25...
A nurse and nurse practitioner at Southmead Hospital in Bristol have spoken of the “honour” and “privilege” of attending a birthday reception for His Majesty, King Charles. Okwukwe (Prisca) Azubuike and Dickey Palzom Bhutia attended the event at...
We’re proud to announce that three NBT staff have won Cavell Star Awards. Tissue Viability Nurse Isabelle Momber, Nursing Associate Lenka Priessnitzova and Matron Marianne Carter are our inaugural winners, as 2023 marks the first year the awards have...
North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) maternity staff have been working with women from black and Asian backgrounds to improve outcomes and experiences during pregnancy and birth. Project SMILE was set-up with funding from Bristol, North Somerset and South...
The 'Yes You Can' project is about celebrating the diverse career journeys of our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (B.A.ME) staff, and the obstacles they have overcome to get where they are now as part of Black History Month 2023. We asked B.A.ME...
On Friday, 13 October, we held our Annual Staff Awards, with over 400 of our wonderful staff and volunteers celebrating together at The Marriott Hotel in Bristol. The whoLE event was made possible by generous donations from our corporate sponsors...
On Thursday, 28 September we held our Annual Public Meeting at Southmead Hospital, providing an overview of our performance in the 2022/23 financial year. Our Chair, Michele Romaine, and Chief Executive, Maria Kane, shared some of the highlights and...