Southmead Hospital

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Watch our NBT annual general meeting

On Thursday, September 30 2022 we held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) covering the 2021/22 financial year. Our AGM was hosted by our Chair, Michele Romaine and included an overview of our year and performance from our Chief Executive, Maria Kane...
Jenni, smiling in her blue scrubs nurses' uniform

Southmead nurse shares how transplant inspired her career

Jenni is a nurse on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Southmead Hospital. In October 2015, she had a liver transplant. Here she explains more about why she needed her transplant and how it inspired a change of career. Hello, I’m Jenni and I’m a...
It's organ donation week text with a message for people to add their name to the Organ Donor Register, on a pink background

Give the Gift of Life this Organ Donation Week

NHS Blood and Transplant and North Bristol NHS Trust are calling on people in Bristol to register their donation decision and talk to their families about organ donation as more than 6,500 people are actively waiting for a transplant across the UK...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

NBT projects shortlisted for national NHS Innovate Awards

Two NBT projects have been announced as finalists for the national Innovate Awards Start Well > End Well and Improving Patient Choice in the Prescription of Heparins, both funded by Southmead Hospital Charity, have been shortlisted in the inaugural...
A group of male and female nurses, some in uniform, some not, smiling and celebrating

Celebrating our internationally educated nursing staff

This week North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) held a celebratory event to thank those internationally educated members of our NBT family who have recently progressed into senior nursing roles. We recognised the contribution of these individuals and the...

North Bristol NHS Trust will be holding its 2021/22 AGM at 5pm on Thursday, 29 September

You are invited to join us to hear about how the Trust fared in another year of Covid-related challenges and pressures. This year we are hosting our AGM on the Southmead Hospital site for the first time since 2019. This is an opportunity to hear from...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

NBT Midwives launch Bereaved Parents Support Group

Midwives have set up a support group for families affected by pregnancy or baby loss. The peer support group has been organised by North Bristol NHS Trust’s Bereavement Support Midwives to create an informal safe space for bereaved parents to talk...
Image of a group of staff members holding certificates

Presenting our August hero award winners

On a very sunny Thursday afternoon, we celebrated our fourth round of hero award winners for 2022. The awards are a way for staff to recognise their colleagues for the amazing things that they do, big and small. This month the heroes were chosen for...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

NHS Lung MOTs, which can detect cancer cases sooner, have arrived in select areas across Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon, and Gloucestershire

Past and current smokers who are registered with specific GP practices across Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon, and Gloucestershire are now being invited to NHS lung health checks to improve lung health, detect and treat lung cancers earlier, and save lives...
Psychology team

North Bristol NHS Trust shortlisted for the 2022 HSJ Awards

North Bristol NHS Trust is proud to announce that its Staff Psychology Team has been shortlisted for the Staff Wellbeing Award category at this year’s HSJ Awards, recognising outstanding contribution to healthcare and earning the opportunity to...