Southmead Hospital

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A group of volunteers standing together

Celebrating our volunteers in Volunteers' Week

It’s Volunteers’ Week and we are celebrating all of the volunteers who support patients, staff and visitors across our services at North Bristol NHS Trust. We have more than 270 volunteers across our sites supporting us through a variety of roles and...
Tessa Jowell Centre of Excellence

Bristol Network one of six new NHS brain tumour centres awarded Tessa Jowell Centre of Excellence status

The Bristol Network, which includes North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT), University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust , Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, has been recognised as...
A photo of 7 people next to a bronze sculpture

Commemorative sculpture unveiled at Southmead Hospital

A sculpture commemorating the way patients, NHS staff and local communities have got through the Covid-19 pandemic together has been unveiled at Southmead Hospital. LOVE HOPE STRENGTH was inspired by wonderful poetry and stories from patients in our...
Image of members of staff posed for a photo with blue banner along the bottom which reads "Thank you to our May Heroes!"

May’s NBT Hero Award Return In Person

For the first time, after one and a half years of virtual awards, this month we’ve been able to hold our hero awards in person and we couldn’t be more excited. Being back in person, the winners were greeted by Maria Kane, Chief Executive and Tim...
Image of Cossham Hospital

Works to start on Imaging Extension at Cossham Hospital

In May, work will begin on an extension to Cossham Hospital to move our Cossham Imaging services all under one roof. The year long expansion will create two new imaging rooms to house the MRI and CT scanner which are currently in a temporary building...
Yellow NHS #hello badge

Come along to the Healthcare Support Worker recruitment event today

If you haven’t registered for our #WeAreHCSWs recruitment event today, you are welcome to come along to The Bristol Pavilion, Gloucestershire Cricket Seat Unique Stadium between 9am and 5pm today (Thursday 19 May) to find out more. If you are...
Image of Chief Nursing Officer Steve Hams wearing a suit

International Nurses' Day Message to Staff from Chief Nursing Officer

Hello, my name is Steve Hams and I have been Chief Nursing Officer at NBT since February. As we celebrate International Nurses’ Day I wanted to take this opportunity to give you more of an introduction to me and what I see as being our priorities for...
HCSW Indeed - We are the NHS

Healthcare Support Worker recruitment event

We are working with NHS England and the global job website Indeed to host an event at The Bristol Pavilion, Gloucestershire Cricket Seat Unique Stadium on Thursday 19 May 9am to 7pm for Healthcare Support Workers new to the NHS. The event is one of...
Alan for website

World’s smallest Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) device on trial at North Bristol NHS Trust

World’s smallest Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) device on trial at North Bristol NHS Trust First patient reports ‘the impact has been amazing’ A clinical trial involving people with Parkinson’s, to understand the safety and effectiveness of the world's...
College of 9 NBT staff members

Congratulations to April’s NBT Hero Award winners.

On Thursday 7 April, we celebrated the April hero award winners. The winners joined Glyn Howells, Chief Finance Officer and Su Monk, Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for a virtual award ceremony where they were read their nominations and thanked for...