Southmead Hospital

Latest News

Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Do your bit for the NHS and save lives by using the right services

Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire residents are being urged to do their bit for the NHS and help save lives during the Covid-19 outbreak, by using the right health services for their needs. Local health and care leaders want people to...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

New support phone line for cancer patients

The Macmillan Wellbeing Centre at Southmead Hospital has launched a new helpline to offer support and information for cancer patients. The centre is currently closed to the public because of the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing. The...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Thank you to all of our supporters

We'd like to thank everyone who has so far donated goods, services, time and money to us. Your support at such a challenging time has been amazing and we're all very grateful. If you still wish to make a donation to support your local NHS please get...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Over 400,000 people join NHS army of volunteers in one day

Over 400,000 people have already signed up to volunteer for the NHS to help in its fight against coronavirus. In just one day, the call to arms has seen a staggering 405,724 people sign up to help vulnerable people to stay safe and at home, exceeding...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Updated - Visitors are not permitted in the hospital due to risk from COVID-19

In line with the Government’s strict new rules announced on Monday 23 March, we have suspended visiting with immediate effect. To help reduce the spread of infection, we ask that you please stay at home. We know it is important for our patients to...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Coronavirus positive case

A patient who has tested positive for coronavirus has been admitted to Southmead Hospital and is being cared for in our specialist infectious diseases unit in isolated conditions. There is no risk to other patients, visitors and staff and our...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Important information about the coronavirus (COVID-19)

The NHS and Public Health England (PHE) are well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put in place measures to ensure the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Huge number of nominations for 2020's first NBT Hero Awards

February's NBT Hero Awards sees the Awards' largest number of nominees recognised. Today marked the first NBT Hero Awards of 2020. The awards are funded by Southmead Hospital Charity. In response to more and more staff recognising their colleagues...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

National Apprenticeship Week - Jessi-May Hutton

This week we are celebrating National Apprenticeship Week to celebrate the diversity and value apprentices bring to North Bristol Trust. Today we met Jessi who has worked in the Emergency Department for 5 years. Jessi has completed here level 3...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

North Bristol NHS Trust joins Bristol organisations in declaring ecological emergency

North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) has today joined several other Bristol organisations in recognising the need to take action to protect and preserve local wildlife. This expands on the declaration of a climate emergency, made jointly between NBT and...