At North Bristol NHS Trust, we respect and value the diversity of our workforce, patients, service users, relatives, carers and visitors and are committed to:
- Serving our community in a way that is appropriate, accessible and responsive
- Making best use of the range of talent and experience available within our workforce and potential workforce
- Ensuring that our legal obligations are fulfilled
It is recognised that individual and institutional discrimination obstruct the fundamental aims and objectives of NBT as a public service provider.
We are mainstreaming equality into all our functions and policies with the intention of achieving a fully inclusive organisation. A zero tolerance policy towards harassment and bullying towards anyone on Trust premises is endorsed throughout the organisation.
The Trust is committed to taking positive action for disabled people and has been awarded the Two Tick disability symbol. We have also signed up to the Mindful Employer charter as we are positive about mental health and take steps to increase awareness of mental health at work. For more details about the charter visit www.mindfulemployer.net
Equality & Diversity Committee
The Equality and Diversity Committee is the main forum through which progress on equality, diversity and human rights is managed. It’s principle function is to ensure that the Trust Board is informed of its legal duties and to promote the mainstreaming of equalities in all of our activities for patients, visitors and staff. It provides direction on equality for the Trust including strategies to develop consultation and involvement.
The Equality and Diversity Committee is made up of members of senior staff, including those from equality groups and others from the community.