Our dedicated team, support staff and support groups are all there to answer your questions and tell you about what to expect and what your treatment involves. They can also talk to you about how you are feeling, and advise you on practical, emotional, aesthetic and financial issues.

Clinical Leads
Dr Alexandra Valencia, Consultant Radiologist
Dr Rachel Ainsworth, Consultant Surgeon
Consultant Surgeons
Miss Sasireika Govindarajulu
Dr Mike Shere
Miss Rachel Ainsworth
Miss Michelle Mullan
Miss Isabella Dash
Mr Jim Cook (Associate Specialist)
Breast Clinician
Dr Alice Moody (Specialty Doctor)
Consultant Breast Care Radiologists
Dr Lyn Jones
Dr Anjum Mahatma
Dr Alice Pocklington
Dr Helen Massey
Dr Rebecca Geach
Gillian Clark (Consultant Radiographer)
Breast Clinical Nurse Specialists
Helen Mann (team leader)
Angie Nicholson
Naomi Day
Lorraine Peall
Lorna Taylor
Jo Nutley
Telephone: 0117 4147018