Living Well Events
Usually run by one of the Clinical Nurse Specialists this Living Well Event is a half day of informative talks related to Breast Cancer and ‘moving-on’ – it is an important and necessary part of the support that we offer and covers topics such as diet, exercise, emotional wellbeing, managing side effects of disease and its treatment, reducing risk factors, recovery and rehabilitation and general health and well-being.
The event provides an opportunity for you to meet with others who are at a similar stage in their treatment pathway and ask any questions you may have.
Living Well Courses
Usually offered at the end of your treatment, these courses are run by the Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Nurse Specialist and are aimed to help you put the knowledge you have into practice and build your confidence in living with and beyond cancer with support and advice from the experts.
The course runs over a 6 week programme (one half-day each week) and can help with working out strategies to help you feel more confident with the next steps in your recovery, help to work out your own individual plans and priorities for resuming activities and dealing with any after-effects of treatment, gaining information on managing your cancer and sharing with others who have been through similar experiences.
Some of the topics open to discussion include, signs and symptoms of recurrence, dealing with emotions/feelings, communication skills, goal-setting, education in self-management, sign-posting sources of help, improving physical capabilities.
Your Clinical Nurse Specialis also has access to referring you on to Nutrition Clinics and Exercise Clinics, that may be available to you.
Contact Bristol Breast Care
Bristol Breast Care Centre
Beaufort House
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB
Telephone*: 0117 4147000 or email familyhistorybreastcare@nbt.nhs.uk.
* 9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, Friday 9am - 4pm