The Bristol Breast Care Centre New Patient Clinic is for women and men who have been referred by their GP and includes patients with breast pain, lumps and/or bumps, breast changes or discharge.
Patients are usually over the age of 16 years of age, although we also see children.

With eight consultants, the clinic runs every day of the week at Bristol Breast Care Centre, Southmead Hospital.
At your first appointment, if appropriate you would usually have a mammogram, potentially alongside an ultrasound scan and possibly a biopsy, all performed on the same day at Bristol Breast Care Centre - this can mean being at the clinic for up to three or four hours. We request that patients attend their appointment alone, unless a care giver is needed. If you feel you need a care giver with you at your appointment please contact the department in advance on 0117 414 7000 to discuss this. We need to reduce the footfall into the Breast Care Centre to reduce the overall infection risk to patients.
There are refreshments available in the centre so please ensure you bring sufficient change.
You will then be seen by a Breast Care consultant on the same day, and offered an appointment which will be around 1-2 weeks later for your results.
If further tests, for example an MRI scan, are required, they cannot be done on the same day and you would need to return at a later date.
Contact Bristol Breast Care
Bristol Breast Care Centre
Beaufort House
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB
Telephone*: 0117 4147000 or email
* 9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, Friday 9am - 4pm