All laser treatments at Bristol Laser Centre are performed by doctors and nurses who have received specialist training in skin laser treatment.

Lead Clinician
Dr Kay Thomas MBChB MRCGP
Dr Kay Thomas qualified in 1983 and worked as a GP before joining the laser team in 1994. Kay is an Associate Specialist and the lead clinician for the Laser Centre
Kay holds the BTEC qualification in Skin Laser Technology, Applications and Treatment and is a member of the British Medical Laser Association and the European Society for Lasers and Energy-based devices.

Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Daniel Keith BMBCh MA FRCP
Dr Daniel Keith qualified from the The Queen's College, University of Oxford in 2009 and works as a Substantive NHS Consultant Dermatologist for North Bristol NHS Trust. He is a Clinical Tutor at the University of Bristol and is the Higher Specialty Training Programme Director for Dermatology at the Severn Deanery. He is on the GMC Specialist Register for Dermatology and holds the BTEC in Lasers & Light Therapies. He is a member of the British Medical Laser Association (BMLA), the European Society for Lasers and Energy Based Devices (ESLD), the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD), the British Society for Dermatological Surgery (BSDS), the British Society for Medical Dermatology (BSMD), the International Dermoscopy Society (IDS) and the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO). He is a Fellow of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology (EADV), the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) and the Royal College of Physicians (RCP).
Specialty Doctor
Dr Ruth Alexander MBChB MRCGP
Dr Ruth Alexander qualified from Bristol university in 2005 and has practiced in the Southwest area since. She works as clinical lead in the NHS community dermatology clinic covering the Bath area, alongside her work in the Laser Centre as a specialty doctor. She is a member of the British Medical Laser Association, the Primary Care Dermatology society and the British Association of Dermatologists.
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Helen Audrain
Dr Audrain is the lead consultant for dermatology at Southmead Hospital. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in Physiology from Cardiff University in 2003, Helen qualified in Medicine (MBChB) from the University of Warwick in 2007. Helen completed core medical training and achieved membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) in 2011. She trained as a specialist in Dermatology in Bristol and Bath hospitals for 5 years before gaining her consultant post in 2016. Helen is a registered specialist with the General Medical Council, and a full member of the British Association of Dermatologists. She has a specialist interest in inflammatory skin conditions, acne, and laser treatments. Helen is a specialist in vulval dermatology and receives referrals from the South-West. Helen is also joint skin cancer lead fort the trust and regularly carries out skin cancer work including skin surgery.
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Charankumal Thandi
Registered Nurse
Polly Stevenson
Polly Stevenson qualified in 2016 from Anglia Ruskin University and has a special interest in Burns and Plastic surgery nursing and laser therapies. Polly is one of two nurses that runs the hair removal clinic.
Registered Nurse
Louise Nevitte
Louise Nevitte qualified in 1998 from Oxford Brookes University. Achieved the BTEC Advanced Award in Skin Technology, Treatment and Application in 2004. She has a wide variety of experience in surgical and medical nursing with a special interest in laser therapies.
From the moment I arrived at Bristol Laser Centre I was made to feel completely at ease and never once felt embarrassed, all the staff are caring and professional, and I now wonder why I had spent so many years in turmoil.