Spider Naevi

Spider naevi is the name given to small clumps of blood vessels which appear on the surface of the skin. They are described as "spiders" because of their appearance.  Spider naevi are very common and are usually seen in the upper part of the body, face, neck, upper chest and arms.

Laser treatment with the pulse dye laser is highly effective at treating spider naevi. They usually disappear after one or two laser treatments without damaging the skin. 

The pulse dye laser may cause a small bruise in the treated areas for a few days after treatment. You will need to wear a high factor sunblock on the area and avoid excessive sun exposure for a few weeks after treatment. Our specialist will advise you on how to look after your skin.

Bristol Laser Centre offers a sensitive, personal, honest approach to your laser treatment needs.

An initial self-funded consultation, at £120, with our specialist doctor is always required to discuss your specific needs.  Treatment of a spider naevus costs £145 per session. The first treatment can usually be done straight after the consultation, if suitable, and a second session may be required about 8 weeks later.

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