Here at the Bristol Laser Centre, we can offer you laser treatment as a way of reducing acne spots and redness. Acne is very common and can affect both teenagers and adults alike. Nearly everyone has had acne at some point in their life.
Before acne laser treatment

After laser treatment

Laser treatment works best for people with mild to moderate acne and is especially suitable for those who have tried the usual treatments with creams and antibiotics with little or no success. Laser treatment is not suitable for severe, cystic, scarring acne. If you have severe acne you should see your GP or a dermatologist to discuss medication.
We use the Cynergy laser to treat acne. The laser treatment can reduce acne spots and fade the red marks left behind by the spots but will not remove pits or craters in the skin surface.
The first stage of treatment is a consultation with our specialist doctor who will assess your needs.
2 or 3 laser treatments are usually required at 2-3 week intervals and most people start to see the results after the 1st or 2nd treatment.
Aftercare of your skin is very simple and any redness usually settles within a day or two. Our specialist will advise you on how to look after your skin.
The benefit of laser treatment for acne may wear off after a few months and a top-up treatment could be required.
An initial self-funded consultation with our specialist doctor costs £120 and is always required.
Laser treatment for acne starts at £240 per treatment, depending on the area to be treated, which will be discussed with you at your initial consultation.
If you're bothered by acne, and would like to consider laser treatment, Contact Bristol Laser Centre today to find out more about how our laser treatments may benefit you.
Contact Bristol Laser Centre
If you are already attending the Laser Centre, please phone 0117 414 1212.
If you are a new patient, would like to get on our waiting list, or have any queries please use our Contact form or phone us on 0117 414 1212.