Portwine birthmarks

What is a portwine birthmark?

A portwine birthmark is a red, pink, or purple birthmark made up of layers of blood vessels. It is the blood flowing through these blood vessels that causes the colour.

Laser treatment of portwine birthmarks

Laser treatment is a safe and effective way of fading portwine birthmarks. Laser treatment uses a narrow beam of light that is absorbed by the red colour in the blood vessels. This shuts the vessels down and makes the birthmark lighter in colour. 

The laser used for this type of birthmark is a pulsed dye laser.

How successful is laser treatment?

Most portwine birthmarks fade with laser treatment, but they are rarely completely removed. Multiple treatments are usually needed to get as much fading as possible. 

Occasionally these marks do not respond at all to laser treatment. In some people the fading is only temporary and the colour can return in time. Further treatment may then be required.

How can I prepare for treatment?

It is very important that your skin is as pale as possible before treatment. You should not have a suntan or use sunbeds, false tan, or “holiday skin” moisturisers. You should protect the area from the sun by using a high factor sun cream or keeping the area covered. 

Some medications and herbal remedies can make your skin more sensitive to lasers. Please bring a list of your medications to your consultation and tell us if your medication changes.

What happens after treatment?

The pulsed dye laser leaves purple bruises over the treated area which usually last about a week. Your skin may feel hot and sore but this does not last long. You won’t need to do much aftercare. 

You will be given written instructions on how to care for the treated area.

What are the possible side-effects?

The risk of scarring is low. Laser treatment can occasionally cause the normal skin pigment to increase or decrease, causing a pale or dark mark where the treatment has been. This usually returns to normal but can take a long time. 

Side-effects are more common if the skin is tanned when treated.

Laser treatment may not be suitable for people with very dark skin because of the increased risk of side-effects. The benefits and risks of treatment will be fully discussed at your consultation.

Treatment for children

Children under 18 requiring treatment for portwine birthmarks are funded by NHS England. Your GP or dermatologist can refer you to Bristol Children’s Hospital where the paediatric laser service is based.

Funding for laser treatment

Laser treatment for adults with birthmarks is not routinely funded on the NHS. The Exceptional Funding Panel in your area may consider funding for patients with large facial birthmarks. If you think you may be eligible, discuss this with your GP. 

If you cannot get NHS funding you can self-fund your consultation and treatment at Bristol Laser Centre. We offer a sensitive, personal, honest approach. 

An initial consultation with a specialist doctor is always required. This costs £120. During the initial consultation you will discuss your specific needs. We may then offer a test patch to show how well you may respond to the treatment. 

Portwine birthmark laser treatments start from £145 per session.

How do I book in? 

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a consultation, please phone us on 0117 414 1212.

Or fill in our online form: Contact Bristol Laser Centre

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published March 2025. Review due March 2028. NBT002016

Contact Bristol Laser Centre

If you are already attending the Laser Centre, please phone 0117 414 1212.

If you are a new patient, would like to get on our waiting list, or have any queries please use our Contact form or phone us on 0117 414 1212.



We have received perfect care, compassionate, professional, understanding and well managed clinically. The use of up to date laser equipment gives us confidence that our daughter Olive is getting the most effective treatment possible. The care we all get as a family from the staff, together with effective treatment from modern equipment makes the whole experience fantastic, we feel very lucky to be under their care.

Bill Hosker