Cafes & Shops


League of Friends Coffee Shop

Southmead Hospital Bristol

Brunel building

  • M&S Food outlet, Level 1, Brunel building. Open Monday to Friday 7am-8.30pm and weekends & bank holidays 8am-8.30pm. Offers sandwiches, bakery items, snacks, drinks, fresh fruit packaged goods and toiletries.
  • Costa Coffee Shops, Level 1, Brunel building. There is a large Costa Coffee Shop that is open on Monday to Friday from 6.30am to 6pm and on Saturday & Sunday from 8am to 6pm. There is also a smaller Costa Coffee Shop which is open on Monday to Friday from 8am to 6.30pm and on Saturday from 9am to 3pm.
  • The League of Friends Coffee Shop, Level 1, near Gate 36, Brunel building. Open Monday to Thursday 10am-7pm, Friday 10am to 5pm and weekends 2pm-5pm.
  • Vending machine, Emergency Department, Gate 35, Level 0 offers drinks, snacks and sandwiches.

Maternity Services

  • The Willow Coffee Shop, near Maternity Services Reception. Open 7am-3pm Monday to Friday
  • There are vending machines available. 

Cossham Hospital

  • The League of Friends Coffee Shop is located in the main reception area, Level 1. Open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm.

The Brunel building

Pharmacy Shop

Pharmacy, located at Gate 12, Level 1, Brunel building, now sell a small range of commonly used medicines over the counter including:

  • Analgesics
  • Antihistamines
  • Indigestion remedies
  • Nicotine replacement patches


Cashpoints are located at:

  • Level 1, Brunel building, opposite Pharmacy