Badger Notes - A guide for patients

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This page contains information about how to use different features of the Badger Notes app to access your maternity care record. 

Get the Badger Notes app or visit the website: 

Badger Notes - Access your healthcare records

Creating a new account

If you have used Badger Notes at a different trust or in a previous pregnancy, please see "Adding your pregnancy to an existing account" section below. 

You will need:

  • The passphrase given to you by your midwife or booking clerk.
  • Your mobile phone to receive your verification text. 

To create your account: 

  1. Open Bader Notes app and tap "Crease account."
  2. Agree to the terms and conditions if you are happy to.
  3. Enter the email address you gave to the midwife or booking clerk and use the activation phrase given to you.
  4. You will be asked how you would like to register. Please register with Badger Notes. We do not recommend registering with NHS login.
  5. Enter the verification code you received via text. 
  6. Create your password.
  7. Create your PIN. 
Screenshot of Badger Notes app showing Create account page and Create your password page

Changing language

You can change you Badger Notes language through the tab with your current chosen language:

  1. Tap/click on the three lines at the top left of the screen.
  2. Tap on English (this is selected as the default).
  3. Select the language you require.
  4. Tap continue. 
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with English on main menu circled
Screenshot of Badger Notes with language selection of English circled
Screenshot of languages menu on Badger Notes app
Badger Notes app language selected as Romanian, with continue option circled

Adding your pregnancy to an existing account

You will need:

  • A new activation phrase from your midwife or booking clerk

To add your pregnancy: 

  1. Log in with the same details used in your previous Badger Notes account.
  2. Tap on the three lines on the top left of the screen.
  3. Select Add a care record.
  4. Add new activation phrase provided by your midwife.
  5. Your current pregnancy is now added to your old record.
Badger Notes app with main menu three lines circled at top left
Badger Notes app main menu with Add care record circled
Badger Notes app screenshot adding care record option screenshot

Pre-booking questionnaire

You will have the opportunity to complete your pre-booking questionnaire before your booking appointment with your community midwife. You can return to the questionnaire and update up to the day of your booking appointment. 

Screenshot of Badger Notes app showing Pre-booking questionnaire menu

Edit profile

You can change your phone number or email address associated with your Badger Notes log in through the Edit Profile tab.

(This does not update the phone number or email address that the hospital has on record for you, to do this you will need to speak to your community midwife). 

Screenshot of Badger Notes app Edit Profile section

Key Details

Your care provider may ask you for key details such as your hospital number, if you contact them over the phone. 

The key details are:

  • Your key information, e.g. NHS number, hospital number, due date etc.
  • Your circle of care, for example GP and Named Midwife. 
  • General health history.
  • Medical history.
  • Plan of care for your pregnancy.
  • Current management plan(s).

To find these details:

  1. Tap on the Maternity Record tab at the bottom of the app.
  2. Select My Key Details.
Screenshots of Badger Notes app with Key Details section circled


We recommend you have push notifications switched on to allow appointment reminders and important updates from our maternity unit.

To change notification settings:

  1. Tap on the three lines on the top left of the screen.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Enable or disable the options and save.
  4. Notifications can be found in the bell icon on the top right corner of the Care Plan page.
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with menu and settings circled
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with care plan and notifications icon circled

Care Plan

In the Care Plan tab, you can see a weekly summary of your pregnancy.

For example at 28 weeks, you will be offered routine screening blood tests and recommended to read the information leaflet on screening.

You will be able to:

  • Write some thoughts (only visible to you) into the diary by selecting Add photo or diary entry.
  • Upload an image for your own purposes (this is not visible to your maternity staff).
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with Care Plan circled
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with Add photo or diary entry circled


In the conversations tab, you can:

  • Write antenatal, postnatal and birth plan thoughts and notes to speak with your midwife or doctor about at your next appointment.

Your midwife or doctor will be able to see these notes however they will not be notified of an entry therefore it is very important not to put any urgent messages in this area.

Screenshot of Badger Notes app with conversations page displayed


Maternity Record

A summary of your maternity notes can be found within the Maternity Record tab. 

To view your antenatal care summary:

  1. Tap on the maternity record tab and scroll down to the summary
  2. Scroll to the row you would like to view.
  3. Click to open and scroll to view the details. 

You may need to turn your phone landscape to make viewing easier.

Screenshot of Badger Notes app with Maternity record option circled
Screenshot of Badger Notes Maternity record pages


Our hospital maternity leaflets are available in the Badger Notes Library tab

These can be viewed throughout your pregnancy and after birth.

You can also access the Glossary to help you understand any new medical terms you may see in your notes.

Leaflets which have been specifically recommended to you by your midwife or doctor can be found by:

  1. Tapping on the Care Plan tab.
  2. Tap on recommended reading at the top of the page.
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with Library circled
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with Glossary and Recommended Reading circled

Hospital Contacts

To view your hospital contacts, including emergency phone numbers:

  1. Tap on the three lines on the top left of the screen.
  2. Select the Hospital Contacts tab.
Screenshot of Badger Notes app with menu and Hospital Contacts circled

Badger Notes Helpline

If you have any problems accessing your Badger Notes, please use the Badger Notes Helpline where someone will be able to help you.

Please note this is a non-urgent helpline for Badger Notes access queries only.

Phone 0117 342 9301


Open hours: 

  • Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 16:00
  • Saturday and Sunday, 11:00 to 15:00 

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published December 2024. Review due December 2027. NBT002914.

Vascular Research Team

Regular Off Off

Vascular Surgery Research Team

Our Surgery Research team is a dedicated group of nurses, administrators, and surgeons, conducting studies across specialities including Colorectal, Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) and Vascular.

Our research is supported by the Department of Health with our research projects encompassing a wide breadth of both laboratory-based and clinical work, to improve patient health, wellbeing and care.

We work on a range of commercial and non-commercial, qualitative and quantitative projects and collaborate with colleagues locally, nationally and internationally in order to improve outcomes for patients suffering from various conditions. 

Our work benefits patients not only here in the NHS, but also increases care standards globally.

The team has a wealth of experience conducting research studies and trials, and improving training, guidelines, and patient outcomes.

Our staff work in close collaboration with a number of partners, primarily linked with the University of Bristol and University of the West of England (UWE) as well as a number of other NHS Trusts.

Team Members:

Samantha Loud

Lead Research Nurse

Sam currently works as the Lead Research Nurse for the Surgery Research team overseeing Colorectal, UGI and Vascular Research at Southmead Hospital, managing a team of 6 competent research practitioners. Having qualified in 2000 as a Children’s Nurse, she began her career working in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Bristol Children’s Hospital where she worked for 7 years. She then moved and worked for 4 years on a busy Surgical and Trauma ward.  

After seeing an advert for the opportunity of a research nurse post at led jointly with NBT (North Bristol Trust) and UoB (University of Bristol) working with Children and their families researching into the risk of developing Type 1 diabetes she jumped at the chance for a new challenge. She spent 9 years in this post working her way up, initially as a junior nurse band 5 to a senior nurse band 7 role where she then led the team and managed the research project. This came to an end in 2020 when the study funding finished.

Sam was then offered the opportunity of a completely new role and challenge within NBT as the Senior Research Nurse for Surgery. This involved putting together smaller teams within different areas of Surgery research bringing them together as one team. This has been a success; the team has grown and consists of dedicated research nurses and administrators and is still growing! We have opened and reopened many studies across all the areas which are recruiting well.

Sam has lots of plans to extend this over time and build a bigger team to be able to cover more areas of surgery in the future.

Dr Marcus Brooks

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

Dr Marcus Brooks is a Consultant Vascular Surgeon at North Bristol NHS Trust, Honorary Secretary elect for the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and clinical member of NHSE Specialised Services Vascular Clinical Reference Group. His main clinical interest is in the management of aortic disease, including complex endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms and aortic dissection. 

He is also the Principal Investigator for the EXcel Registry (Gore Conformable aortic stent graft) in the UK and also recruits to the COMPASS trial (Observational study of patients with juxta-renal abdominal aortic aneurysms).

Chris Twine

Vascular Surgeon

Chris is a vascular surgeon in Bristol and is clinical lead for vascular research. He has a research interest in amputation, chronic limb threatening ischaemia and antithrombotic therapy for peripheral arterial disease. He is an associate editor of CVIR endovascular and is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. He is a council member of the British Society for Endovascular Therapy where he is research lead, the Vascular Society special interest research group for peripheral arterial disease where he is intervention lead, and the European Society of Vascular Surgery guidelines steering committee where he is chair of the upcoming antithrombotic guideline. He has published over 100 original papers and his scientific work has received several prizes.

More information about Chris and his work can be found on the University of Bristol website.

Helen Cheshire

Vascular Research Nurse

Helen is a senior research nurse specialising in vascular. She has worked for North Bristol NHS Trust since 2015. Prior to this Helen was a key member of the intensive care team at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, where she worked as a senior nurse for sixteen years.

Helen has extensive experience, spanning multiple studies and specialties, delivering ground-breaking research. She ran gastro-hepatology research for two years, before moving to lead the vascular portfolio in 2017. Under Helen’s leadership, the vascular portfolio has grown exponentially.

Helen welcomes the challenges research presents as a continuously growing field. It can enable patients to participate in adjustments that result in a longer, better quality of life.  She enjoys working at the forefront of new developments in treatments for our patients.

Seeve Suppiah

Vascular Research Nurse

Seeve is a surgical research nurse specializing in Vascular research and two colorectal research as well as helping with the AHEAD study - Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease with Elevated Amyloid. Prior to this, Seeve was an ITU nurse, a Renal dialysis nurse, a Research nurse for AVONCAP-COVID-19, pneumococcus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and a Haematology Research Nurse.

Gosia Slowinska

Surgery Research Nurse

Gosia is a research nurse in vascular surgery team. She has worked for North Bristol Trust since 2020 in Intensive Care Unit and in HIV and Immunology Research team.

Prior to this Gosia worked as a nurse in Intensive Care Units in Royal Papworth Hospital, Yeovil District Hospital and Specialised District Hospital in Wroclaw, Poland.

Alice Smith

Research Administrator - Colorectal & Vascular

R&I Surgery Team Banner.png


Regular Off Off

This page is for patients and their families when preparing for a cardioversion.

What is a cardioversion and how is it done?

Cardioversion is done in hospital under a short general anaesthetic (you will be asleep) to treat an abnormal heart rhythm. 

The doctor will place electrode ‘sticky pads’ on the front and back of your chest and send electrical energy through the chest to the heart. This energy is synchronised (works at the same time) with your own heartbeat and should return your heart to the normal regular rhythm. 

Cardioversion is usually done as a day case, so that you come to hospital and go home the same day. Occasionally it is necessary to stay overnight.

Why do I need to have a cardioversion?

You may have been having palpitations or an irregular heart beat for some time. Your doctor may have prescribed a course of tablets such as amiodarone, digoxin, bisoprolol, or diltiazem to control your heart rhythm. These are not always successful and if you are troubled by palpitations, breathlessness, chest discomfort, or reduced activity then cardioversion may help. By restoring your heart’s normal regular rhythm (sinus rhythm) your symptoms can improve.

Will it be successful?

The cardioversion is more likely to be successful if your heart has been in an abnormal rhythm for only a short while, like a few months. The effectiveness varies, but in 9 out of 10 people the cardioversion will restore the normal regular rhythm.

However, some of these people will go back to how it was in the next few days or weeks. In a few cases the procedure will not be successful at all.

For 5-6 people out of 10 who have cardioversion, their heart will likely still be in the normal regular sinus rhythm 12 months later.

The best results are seen in patients with normal heart structures seen on an echo scan. Patients with structural heart impairment, for example leaky valves or enlarged heart chambers, have a lower chance of long-term success.

Before you come into hospital

Your doctor will prescribe a blood thinning medication called oral anticoagulant, for example apixaban or dabigatran. These are taken twice a day for 4-6 weeks before the cardioversion and you will continue taking them afterwards. It is important that you don’t miss doses of the anticoagulant as this can increase the slight chance of having a stroke following the cardioversion.

You will be seen by a cardiology pre-op assessment nurse, before your procedure date. Usually, the procedure is done as a day case procedure (home on the same day).

The nurse will talk to you, take a blood sample, do an ECG recording, and check that that you can get to the hospital, and someone can take you home. You will not be able to drive yourself home.

Important information

  • You must not eat or drink for at least six hours before your admission to prepare for the general anaesthetic.
  • Take your regular medications as usual, early on the morning of your cardioversion with a small sip of water.
  • If you are taking digoxin, you should stop taking it 48 hours before you come to hospital.
  • If you are diabetic, the pre-assessment nurse will explain what you need to do before you come into hospital.

When you arrive at hospital

You will be seen by a nurse and a doctor who will talk about the procedure and answer any questions you have. You will then be asked to sign a consent form to show that you are happy to have the treatment.

The anaesthetist will talk to you about what will happen and ask you about your health and any allergies you may have.

You will be attached to a cardiac monitor to record your heart rate. Staff will take your blood pressure and record your breathing rate.

The anaesthetic will be given through a small needle in the back of your hand and as you drift off to sleep the electrical cardioversion will be done. The procedure takes about 5 minutes. You will then be taken to the recovery area.

What happens next?

You will sleep off the effects of the anaesthetic and wake up in your own time. When you wake up you will probably be lying on your side and wearing an oxygen mask. The nursing staff will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate.

When you are fully awake you will be told how the procedure went and staff will be happy to answer any questions. Some people feel slightly sick after anaesthetic, but you will be given a drink and something to eat when you feel able to.

When you have recovered, you will have another ECG done to see if the procedure has been successful.

As long as you feel well enough, you will be able to be collected and go home 2-4 hours after your treatment.

Even if the treatment has been successful, the doctor may tell you to continue taking some or all of your tablets for a while longer.

An outpatient appointment will be arranged for you to see your hospital doctor who recommended the cardioversion and you can ask about your medicines then.

Please remember it takes a while to recover from a general anaesthetic.

For 24 hours after cardioversion:

  • You must not drive.
  • You must not operate any potentially dangerous devices as your reflexes may be reduced.
  • You must not make any important decisions or sign any legal documents.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Do not boil a kettle or use anything that involves heat.
  • When rising up to sitting or standing, do it slowly as you may feel dizzy if you get up too quickly
  • We advise you to rest for the remainder of the day after your treatment and to take the next day off work.

What risks are there?

Cardioversion is a safe procedure which has been done in most hospitals in the UK for many years.

Complications are rare, but there are risks that you need to think about before you sign the consent form.

These risks are higher in patients who are very unwell or have certain medical conditions. You need to weigh up the risks of having the procedure or leaving the condition untreated, against the potential benefit of the procedure.

Below are approximate complication rates for patients having cardioversion. However, you need to remember that these numbers include all patients, regardless of how ill they were to start with.

  • Risk of an anaesthetic problem or death is one in every 100,000 patients.
  • Risk of having a stroke or another type of blood clot problem is approximately one in every 1000 patients.
  • There is a minor risk of slight burns to the chest from the paddles or adhesive pads used during the procedure.
  • Rarely, some patients may require a temporary pacing wire to be inserted if the heart beats too slowly.
  • Rarely the procedure causes a more serious, life threatening abnormal heartbeat. This is so uncommon that there are no available statistics.

References and further information

Cardioversion - BHF

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published December 2024. Review due December 2027. NBT002341

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Surgery Research Team

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Surgery Research Team

Our Surgery Research team is a dedicated group of nurses, administrators, and surgeons, conducting studies across specialities including Colorectal, Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) and Vascular.

Our research is supported by the Department of Health with our research projects encompassing a wide breadth of both laboratory-based and clinical work, to improve patient health, wellbeing and care.

We work on a range of commercial and non-commercial, qualitative and quantitative projects and collaborate with colleagues locally, nationally and internationally in order to improve outcomes for patients suffering from various conditions. 

Our work benefits patients not only here in the NHS, but also increases care standards globally.

The team has a wealth of experience conducting research studies and trials, and improving training, guidelines, and patient outcomes.

Our staff work in close collaboration with a number of partners, primarily linked with the University of Bristol and University of the West of England (UWE) as well as a number of other NHS Trusts.

As part of our Colorectal & Upper Gastrointestinal portfolio, we also work closely with Bristol’s Haematology and Oncology Centre (BHOC) and operate a shared care research pathway between us so patients can receive the highest standard of care whilst taking part in a research study.

Colorectal & Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) Research Team:

Dr Anne Pullyblank

Consultant Colorectal Surgeon

Anne was appointed consultant colorectal surgeon at North Bristol NHS Trust in 2003 and has held many leadership positions within the trust including chair of the clinical risk committee, Clinical Director for Surgery and lead for colorectal and emergency surgery. Anne performs open and laparoscopic bowel (keyhole) surgery and has an interest in bowel cancer, surgical infections, vacuum dressing for the open abdomen and emergency surgery.  She was awarded an MD for laboratory-based research from University of London examining the role of monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer. She was principal investigator for CREST, PPAC2, Bluebelle, Selfi and DISCOVER. She is currently PI for VODECA, CREST2 and CONSIDER-19 and sits on the trial management group for CREST2.

Kathryn McCarthy

Consultant Colorectal Surgeon

Miss Kathryn McCarthy studied at UCL (1993-1998), attained her MD with the University of London (2005), following which she completed her FRCS at Royal College of Surgeons of England (2007), and her Gynaecological Fellowship (2009) and Laparoscopic Subspecialty Fellowship in Glasgow (2011-12).

Her clinical interests include laparoscopic colorectal surgery, endometriosis and pelvic surgery. Her academic interests include the IGF pathway in colorectal cancer and surgical outcomes in older people ( Her subspecialty interests include minimally invasive trans anal surgery, early rectal cancer and pelvic floor surgery.

She is clinical lead for Endoscopy and GI physiology. Nationally, she is the NIHR lead for surgical research (West of England).

She is also a member of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, National Pelvic Floor Society and European Society of Coloproctology.

Ann Lyons

Consultant Colorectal Surgeon

Miss Ann Lyons was appointed as a consultant colorectal surgeon at North Bristol Trust in 2005. Prior to joining North Bristol NHS Trust, Ann was a fellow at international centres of St Marks Hospital, London and Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto expanding her management of complex pelvic conditions. Graduated with Hons, Surg and Antomy Medal Ann completed by Higher Surgical Training in the South West Deanery, centred on Bristol. During her Higher Surgical Training, she had valuable out of training experience, educated with Professor Hohenberger in colon and rectum cancer surgery and Prof Matzel in pelvic floor disorders, in the University of Erlangen. She has actively engaged programmes for cancer patient communication,  including in the NCAT cancer care programme 2013.

Within this experience Ann has developed a holistic approach to cancer care, and a specialty interest in delivering safe careful pelvic surgery for regional patients; and surgery for early and advanced cancer. I have extensive experience in minimally invasive surgery.

Ann has clinical, educational and research experience. Awarded MD for her bench to bed side T cell immune response to major stresses, Harvard Medical School and since appointment has been PI for several clinical research trials at North Bristol NHS Trust. Ann has presented both nationally and internationally.  Ann is the lead surgeon for Colon and Rectum Cancer at North Bristol. She has a position on the SWAG CAG Colorectal Cancer Alliance.

Miss Ann Lyon is a member of RCSE, ACPGBI, ESCP, ASCRS and RSM.

Andy Smith

Colorectal Surgeon 

Angus McNair

Colorectal Surgeon 

Jodie Rawlings

Colorectal Research Nurse

James Hopkins

Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon

Suzie Royle

Colorectal Research Nurse

Suzanna is a research nurse specialising in colorectal research, and has worked for North Bristol Trust since 2023. Prior to this, Suzanna worked at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (SASH) across both elective and emergency surgical wards, for upper and lower gastrointestinal surgery. She is passionate about improving patient outcomes and patient experience, and therefore finds her role in colorectal research highly rewarding.

Vascular Surgery Research Team:

Dr Marcus Brooks

Consultant Vascular Surgeon

Dr Marcus Brooks is a Consultant Vascular Surgeon at North Bristol NHS Trust, Honorary Secretary elect for the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and clinical member of NHSE Specialised Services Vascular Clinical Reference Group. His main clinical interest is in the management of aortic disease, including complex endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms and aortic dissection. 

He is also the Principal Investigator for the EXcel Registry (Gore Conformable aortic stent graft) in the UK and also recruits to the COMPASS trial (Observational study of patients with juxta-renal abdominal aortic aneurysms).

Chris Twine

Vascular Surgeon

Chris is a vascular surgeon in Bristol and is clinical lead for vascular research. He has a research interest in amputation, chronic limb threatening ischaemia and antithrombotic therapy for peripheral arterial disease. He is an associate editor of CVIR endovascular and is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. He is a council member of the British Society for Endovascular Therapy where he is research lead, the Vascular Society special interest research group for peripheral arterial disease where he is intervention lead, and the European Society of Vascular Surgery guidelines steering committee where he is chair of the upcoming antithrombotic guideline. He has published over 100 original papers and his scientific work has received several prizes.

More information about Chris and his work can be found on the University of Bristol website.

Helen Cheshire

Vascular Research Nurse

Helen is a senior research nurse specialising in vascular. She has worked for North Bristol NHS Trust since 2015. Prior to this Helen was a key member of the intensive care team at the Bristol Royal Infirmary, where she worked as a senior nurse for sixteen years.

Helen has extensive experience, spanning multiple studies and specialties, delivering ground-breaking research. She ran gastro-hepatology research for two years, before moving to lead the vascular portfolio in 2017. Under Helen’s leadership, the vascular portfolio has grown exponentially.

Helen welcomes the challenges research presents as a continuously growing field. It can enable patients to participate in adjustments that result in a longer, better quality of life.  She enjoys working at the forefront of new developments in treatments for our patients.

Seeve Suppiah

Vascular Research Nurse

Seeve is a surgical research nurse specializing in Vascular research and two colorectal research as well as helping with the AHEAD study - Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease with Elevated Amyloid. Prior to this, Seeve was an ITU nurse, a Renal dialysis nurse, a Research nurse for AVONCAP-COVID-19, pneumococcus, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and a Haematology Research Nurse.

Cross-Portfolio Team:

Samantha Loud

Lead Research Nurse

Sam currently works as the Lead Research Nurse for the Surgery Research team overseeing Colorectal, UGI and Vascular Research at Southmead Hospital, managing a team of 6 competent research practitioners. Having qualified in 2000 as a Children’s Nurse, she began her career working in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Bristol Children’s Hospital where she worked for 7 years. She then moved and worked for 4 years on a busy Surgical and Trauma ward.  

After seeing an advert for the opportunity of a research nurse post at led jointly with NBT (North Bristol Trust) and UoB (University of Bristol) working with Children and their families researching into the risk of developing Type 1 diabetes she jumped at the chance for a new challenge. She spent 9 years in this post working her way up, initially as a junior nurse band 5 to a senior nurse band 7 role where she then led the team and managed the research project. This came to an end in 2020 when the study funding finished.

Sam was then offered the opportunity of a completely new role and challenge within NBT as the Senior Research Nurse for Surgery. This involved putting together smaller teams within different areas of Surgery research bringing them together as one team. This has been a success; the team has grown and consists of dedicated research nurses and administrators and is still growing! We have opened and reopened many studies across all the areas which are recruiting well.

Sam has lots of plans to extend this over time and build a bigger team to be able to cover more areas of surgery in the future.

Gosia Slowinska

Surgery Research Nurse

Gosia is a research nurse in vascular surgery team. She has worked for North Bristol Trust since 2020 in Intensive Care Unit and in HIV and Immunology Research team.

Prior to this Gosia worked as a nurse in Intensive Care Units in Royal Papworth Hospital, Yeovil District Hospital and Specialised District Hospital in Wroclaw, Poland.

Alice Smith

Research Administrator - Colorectal & Vascular

R&I Surgery Team Banner.png

Patient instructions for further bowel preparation for CT colonography

Regular Off Off

Information for patients whose initial preparation of your bowel has not been sufficient to produce a diagnostic result from your examination, a further 24 hours of additional bowel preparation is required.

Please follow these instructions to continue bowel preparation for your examination. 

Diarrhoea may occur so make sure you have easy access to a toilet. 

It is important to drink plenty of clear fluids during the entire period and aim for at least three pints of clear fluid every day. Examples of clear fluids are water, fruit squash, clear soup (e.g. Oxo, Marmite or Bovril), fizzy drinks (such as lemonade or cola), tea, or coffee. You should continue with any prescribed medication throughout.

On the day of the original appointment (today):

  • Continue Low Residue Diet (see the information below). 
  • Drink plenty of clear fluids. 
  • Prepare and drink water and Gastrografin mixture:
  1. In a glass, mix one bottle of Gastrografin (20ml) with 200ml (half a pint) of water. (You can add fruit squash/cordial if you prefer). 
  2. Drink the mixture with a meal.

Day of re-booked examination:

  • Please drink plenty of clear fluids. 
  • No solid food. 
  • Prepare and drink water and Gastrografin mixture: 
  1. In a glass mix one bottle of Gastrografin (20ml) with 200ml (half a pint) of water. (You can add fruit squash/cordial if you prefer). 
  2. Drink this mixture at least 2 hours before your new appointment time.

Low Residue Diet for CT Colonography preparation

Please continue this diet to prepare for your new appointment. Eat no solid food on the day of your new appointment.

You will be given further advice if you are undergoing other treatments such as dialysis. If you are diabetic avoid all foods marked with a *.

Foods allowed

  • White flour: cornflour, custard powder, arrowroot, tapioca, sago, semolina. 
  • White pasta: spaghetti, macaroni, other pasta shapes and noodles, tinned spaghetti in sauce. 
  • White breads: pitta bread, soda bread, naan bread. (Except high fibre white breads). 
  • White rice: any types. 
  • Potatoes: peeled or cooked in any way but don’t eat the skin. 
  • Fruit and tomato juice. 
  • Breakfast cereals: cornflakes, Rice Krispies, Frosties*, Honey Smacks*, Ricicles*, Coco Pops*, Special K. 
  • Biscuits*: any made with white flour e.g. rich tea. 
  • Cakes*: any made with white flour e.g. sponge, plain scones, doughnuts. 
  • Milk, plain yoghurt, all cheese, cream, butter, ice cream, plain fromage frais. 
  • Eggs. 
  • Fish. 
  • Texturised vegetable protein (e.g. Quorn). 
  • All oils, margarine, low fat spread, and butter. 
  • All drinks including tea, coffee, squash, fizzy drinks, cocoa, drinking chocolate, malted drinks. 
  • Sugar*, golden syrup*, treacle*, honey*, fruit sweets*, choco-toffee*, jelly jam*, jelly marmalade*, jelly*, fruit sorbets*. 
  • All meat including tinned and corned.

Foods not allowed

  • Wholemeal, brown, rye flours and bran. 
  • All wholemeal pasta including spinach flavoured, lasagna verdi, wholemeal spaghetti in sauce.
  • Wholemeal, brown, granary, high-fibre white, malt breads, poppadums and wholemeal pitta breads.
  • Wholegrain rice, wild rice, and barley. 
  • All other vegetables including baked beans, other pulses, tinned tomato, crisps, potato snacks.
  • Breakfast cereals: Shredded Wheat, Shreddies, Bran Flakes, All Bran, Alpen and other muesli, Farmhouse Bran, Oat Crunchies, Start, Ready Brek, porridge, and oatmeal. 
  • Cakes: made with wholemeal flours including pastries, pies, and wholemeal crumbles. 
  • All fruit including fresh, frozen, stewed, canned, and dried e.g. raisins and currants. 
  • Fruit, muesli, and nut yoghurts. 
  • All nuts and seeds, including peanut butter, hummus, tahini, marzipan.
  • All dietary supplements that come as a tablet e.g. vitamins, glucosamine, and herbal extracts. 
  • All alcoholic drinks. 
  • Sweet mincemeat, jam with seeds, ordinary marmalade, chocolate made fruit and nuts, fruit in jelly.
  • Meat pies, pasties, puddings if made with wholemeal flour. 
  • Meat dishes which contain vegetables e.g. curries, casseroles, chilli-con-carne.

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published December 2024. Review due December 2027. NBT003567.

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Imaging Department Contact Centre

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact the Imaging Department Contact Centre if you wish to change or discuss your appointment.

Telephone: 0117 414 8989

Bowel preparation for CT colonography: information for patients with constipation

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This page has information for patients with constipation referred for CT colonography at North Bristol NHS Trust. 

Please follow these instructions to ensure adequate bowel preparation for your examination. Diarrhoea will occur so make sure you have easy access to a toilet.

It is very important to drink plenty of fluid during the entire period. You may become dehydrated otherwise. It also helps ‘flush’ the bowel through. Aim to drink at least three pints of clear fluid every day. Clear fluids include water, fruit squash, clear soup, fizzy drinks, tea or coffee.

Gastrografin and Citrafleet instructions: 

You will be given 2 medicines to prepare your bowel for your examination. You will need to prepare these as advised below and drink them as instructed further down the page. 


  1. Pour 1 bottle of Gastrografin (20ml) into a glass. 
  2. Into the same glass add at least 200ml or half a pint of water. You can add fruit squash/cordial as well if you prefer. 
  3. Stir with a spoon until mixed well.


  1. Empty all of the powder from 1 sachet into a glass.
  2. Into the same glass add water (at least 150ml). 
  3. Stir with a spoon until the powder is completely dissolved. 

Two days before your appointment:

Begin following the Low Residue Diet.

  • Drink plenty of clear fluids.

Day before your appointment:

Continue following the Low Residue Diet Drink plenty of clear fluids (at least 3 pints/1.7 litres). 

  • You will have 2 Gastrografin and 2 Citrafleet mixtures today. 
  • Drink 1 Citrafleet mixture in the morning. 
  • Drink 1 Gastrografin mixture with your morning meal. 
  • Drink your next Citrafleet mixture in the evening. 
  • Drink your next Gastrografin mixture with your evening meal.

Day of your examination

You must have no solid foods from midnight. 

  • Drink plenty of clear fluids. 
  • At least 2 hours before your appointment drink one Gastrografin mixture.

Low Residue Diet foods and drinks

The table below contains foods which you are not allowed to eat while preparing for a CT Colonography. Not following these instructions could result in your scan being unsuccessful and delaying your examinations and/or treatment.

Patients with diabetes should avoid all foods marked with a*. You may have sugar-free alternatives for example pure fruit spread without skin or pips, instead of jam.

Patients with kidney failure or on renal dialysis, should only select foods and drinks from the lists which are normally allowed in your diet. Keep to your normal fluid allowance.

Low Reside Diet foods and drinks

Food typeAllowedNot allowed
Flour productsWhite flour, custard powder, arrowroot, tapioca, sago, semolina.Wholemeal, brown, and rye flours. Bran.
PastaAny white pasta including tinned in tomato sauce and noodles.Any wholemeal pasta including spinach flavoured pasta
RiceWhite rice.Wholemeal, brown rice. Wild rice. Barley.
PotatoesPeeled and cooked in any way. Do not eat the skin.Crisps, potato based snacks, potato skins.
VegetablesNoneVegetables and salad including all pulses and baked beans.
FruitFruit juices. Tomato juice.All fruit including fresh, frozen, stewed, canned, and dried (currants and raisins).
Cakes*Cakes made with white flour e.g. sponge cakes, plain scones, doughnuts.Made with wholemeal flours, pastries or pies. Wholemeal crumbles.
Breakfast cerealsCornflakes, Rice Krispies*, Frosties*, Honey Smacks*, Ricicles*, Coco Pops*, Special K.Shredded wheat, Shreddies, Bran Flakes, All Bran, Alpen and other muesli, Farmhouse Bran, Oat Crunchies, Start, Ready Brek, porridge, oatmeal.
Biscuits*Any made with white flours e.g. Rich Tea biscuits, water biscuits.Any made with wholemeal flour e.g. digestives, crispbreads, cereal bars.
Dairy and eggsEggs cooked in any way. Milk, plain yoghurt, all cheese, cream, butter, ice-cream, plain fromage frais.Fruit, muesli and nut yoghurts.
FishAll fish (fresh, froze, or tinned). 
Meat substitutesAny texturised vegetable protein. 
FatsOils, margarine, low fat spread, butter. 
Sweet foods*Sugar*, golden syrup*, treacle*, honey*, fruit sweets*, choco-toffee*, jelly jams*, jelly marmalades*, jelly*, fruit sorbets*.Jam with seeds, ordinary marmalade, chocolate made with fruit and nuts, fruit in jelly, sweet mincemeat.
MeatAny meat including tinned and corned.Meat in pies made with wholemeal flour. Meat dishes with vegetables e.g. curries, casseroles, chilli concarne.
Nuts and seedsNoneAny nuts and seeds including peanut butters, hummus, tahini and marzipan.
Dietary supplementsNoneAny dietary supplements that come as a tablet e.g. vitamins, glucosamine and herbal extracts.
DrinksAll non-alcoholic drinks.Alcoholic drinks.

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published July 2024. Review due July 2027. NBT003570

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Imaging Department Contact Centre

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact the Imaging Department Contact Centre if you wish to change or discuss your appointment.

Telephone: 0117 414 8989

Bowel preparation for CT colonography (20ml Gastrografin)

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This page has information for patients referred for CT colonography at North Bristol NHS Trust with a 20ml bottles of Gastrografin for preparation. 

Please follow these instructions to ensure adequate bowel preparation for your examination.

To prepare your bowel for your CT Colonography you will need to drink mixtures of water and Gastrografin. The instructions for this are below. Gastrografin often causes diarrhoea. The amount of diarrhoea is very variable. Please make sure you have easy access to a toilet during this 2 day preparation period.

It is very important to drink plenty of fluid during the entire period. You may become dehydrated otherwise. It also helps ‘flush’ the bowel through. Aim to drink at least three pints of clear fluid every day. Clear fluids include water, fruit squash, clear soup, fizzy drinks, tea, or coffee.

You also need to follow a Low Residue Diet for the 2 days of preparation, which involves eating foods with little to no fibre. Eating food with fibre may result in failure of bowel preparation, which can delay your scan and/ or treatment.

While completing this preparation you should continue to take any of your normal medication as prescribed. If you normally take laxatives for constipation, continue to take these.

How to prepare your Gastrografin mixtures:

  1. Pour 1 bottle of Gastrografin (20ml) into a glass. 
  2. Into the same glass add at least 200ml or half a pint of water. You can add fruit squash/cordial as well if you prefer. 
  3. Stir with a spoon until mixed well. 

Two days before appointment

  • Start Low Residue Diet. 
  • You will have 2 Gastrografin mixtures today. 
  • Drink one Gastrografin mixture with your morning meal. 
  • Drink your next Gastrografin mixture with your evening meal. 
  • Remember to drink plenty of clear fluids.

Day before appointment

  • You will have 2 Gastrografin mixtures today. 
  • Drink 2 Gastrografin mixture with your morning meal. 
  • Drink your next Gastrografin mixture with your evening meal. 
  • Remember to drink plenty of clear fluids.

Day of appointment

  • You must have no solid food from midnight. 
  • At least 2 hours before your appointment, drink 1 Gastrografin mixture.
  • Keep drinking plenty of clear fluids.

Low Reside Diet foods and drinks

The table below contains foods which you are not allowed to eat while preparing for a CT Colonography. Not following these instructions could result in your scan being unsuccessful and delaying your examinations and/or treatment. 

Patients with diabetes should avoid all foods marked with a*. You may have sugar-free alternatives for example pure fruit spread without skin or pips, instead of jam. 

Patients with kidney failure or on renal dialysis, should only select foods and drinks from the lists which are normally allowed in your diet. Keep to your normal fluid allowance.

Table of foods and drinks allowed on Low Residue Diet

Food typeAllowedNot allowed
Flour productsWhite flour, custard powder, arrowroot, tapioca, sago, semolina.Wholemeal, brown, and rye flours. Bran.
PastaAny white pasta including tinned in tomato sauce and noodles.Any wholemeal pasta including spinach flavoured pasta
RiceWhite rice.Wholemeal, brown rice. Wild rice. Barley.
PotatoesPeeled and cooked in any way. Do not eat the skin.Crisps, potato based snacks, potato skins.
VegetablesNoneVegetables and salad including all pulses and baked beans.
FruitFruit juices. Tomato juice.All fruit including fresh, frozen, stewed, canned, and dried (currants and raisins).
Cakes*Cakes made with white flour e.g. sponge cakes, plain scones, doughnuts.Made with wholemeal flours, pastries or pies. Wholemeal crumbles.
Breakfast cerealsCornflakes, Rice Krispies*, Frosties*, Honey Smacks*, Ricicles*, Coco Pops*, Special K.Shredded wheat, Shreddies, Bran Flakes, All Bran, Alpen and other muesli, Farmhouse Bran, Oat Crunchies, Start, Ready Brek, porridge, oatmeal.
Biscuits*Any made with white flours e.g. Rich Tea biscuits, water biscuits.Any made with wholemeal flour e.g. digestives, crispbreads, cereal bars.
Dairy and eggsEggs cooked in any way. Milk, plain yoghurt, all cheese, cream, butter, ice-cream, plain fromage frais.Fruit, muesli and nut yoghurts.
FishAll fish (fresh, froze, or tinned). 
Meat substitutesAny texturised vegetable protein. 
FatsOils, margarine, low fat spread, butter. 
Sweet foods*Sugar*, golden syrup*, treacle*, honey*, fruit sweets*, choco-toffee*, jelly jams*, jelly marmalades*, jelly*, fruit sorbets*.Jam with seeds, ordinary marmalade, chocolate made with fruit and nuts, fruit in jelly, sweet mincemeat.
MeatAny meat including tinned and corned.Meat in pies made with wholemeal flour. Meat dishes with vegetables e.g. curries, casseroles, chilli con-carne.
Nuts and seedsNoneAny nuts and seeds including peanut butters, hummus, tahini and marzipan.
Dietary supplementsNoneAny dietary supplements that come as a tablet e.g. vitamins, glucosamine and herbal extracts.
DrinksAll non-alcoholic drinks.Alcoholic drinks.

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published December 2024. Review due December 2027. NBT003569

Imaging Department Contact Centre

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact the Imaging Department Contact Centre if you wish to change or discuss your appointment.

Telephone: 0117 414 8989

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Bowel preparation for CT colonography (100ml Gastrografin)

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This page has information for patients referred for CT colonography at North Bristol NHS Trust with a 100ml bottle of Gastrografin for preparation. 

Please follow these instructions to ensure adequate bowel preparation for your examination.

To prepare your bowel for your CT Colonography you will need to drink mixtures of water and Gastrografin. The instructions for this are below. Gastrografin often causes diarrhoea. The amount of diarrhoea is very variable. Please make sure you have easy access to a toilet during this 2 day preparation period.

It is very important to drink plenty of fluid during the entire period. You may become dehydrated otherwise. It also helps ‘flush’ the bowel through. Aim to drink at least three pints of clear fluid every day. Clear fluids include water, fruit squash, clear soup, fizzy drinks, tea, or coffee.

You also need to follow a Low Residue Diet for the 2 days of preparation, which involves eating foods with little to no fibre. Eating food with fibre may result in failure of bowel preparation, which can delay your scan and/ or treatment.

While completing this preparation you should continue to take any of your normal medication as prescribed. If you normally take laxatives for constipation, continue to take these.

How to prepare your Gastrografin mixtures:

You will be given a 100ml bottle of Gastrografin and a measuring cup to make the mixture yourself at home. This will give you enough for 5 drinks over the two days before, and the day of your appointment. To prepare the Gastrografin mixture: 

  1. Pour 20ml of Gastrografin into the measuring cup then pour this from the cup into a drinking glass. 
  2. Into the same glass add at least 200ml or half a pint of water. You can add fruit squash/cordial as well if you prefer.
  3. Stir with a spoon until mixed well.

Two days before appointment

  • Start Low Residue Diet. 
  • You will have 2 Gastrografin mixtures today. 
  • Drink one Gastrografin mixture with your morning meal. 
  • Drink your next Gastrografin mixture with your evening meal.
  • Remember to drink plenty of clear fluids.

Day before appointment

  • You will have 2 Gastrografin mixtures today. 
  • Drink 2 Gastrografin mixture with your morning meal. 
  • Drink your next Gastrografin mixture with your evening meal. 
  • Remember to drink plenty of clear fluids.

Day of appointment

  • You must have no solid food from midnight. 
  • At least 2 hours before your appointment, drink 1 Gastrografin mixture. 
  • Keep drinking plenty of clear fluids.

Low Reside Diet foods and drinks

The table below contains foods which you are not allowed to eat while preparing for a CT Colonography. Not following these instructions could result in your scan being unsuccessful and delaying your examinations and/or treatment. 

Patients with diabetes should avoid all foods marked with a*. You may have sugar-free alternatives for example pure fruit spread without skin or pips, instead of jam. 

Patients with kidney failure or on renal dialysis, should only select foods and drinks from the lists which are normally allowed in your diet. Keep to your normal fluid allowance.

Table of foods and drinks allowed on Low Residue Diet

Food typeAllowedNot allowed
Flour productsWhite flour, custard powder, arrowroot, tapioca, sago, semolina.Wholemeal, brown, and rye flours. Bran.
PastaAny white pasta including tinned in tomato sauce and noodles.Any wholemeal pasta including spinach flavoured pasta
RiceWhite rice.Wholemeal, brown rice. Wild rice. Barley.
PotatoesPeeled and cooked in any way. Do not eat the skin.Crisps, potato based snacks, potato skins.
VegetablesNoneVegetables and salad including all pulses and baked beans.
FruitFruit juices. Tomato juice.All fruit including fresh, frozen, stewed, canned, and dried (currants and raisins).
Cakes*Cakes made with white flour e.g. sponge cakes, plain scones, doughnuts.Made with wholemeal flours, pastries or pies. Wholemeal crumbles.
Breakfast cerealsCornflakes, Rice Krispies*, Frosties*, Honey Smacks*, Ricicles*, Coco Pops*, Special K.Shredded wheat, Shreddies, Bran Flakes, All Bran, Alpen and other muesli, Farmhouse Bran, Oat Crunchies, Start, Ready Brek, porridge, oatmeal.
Biscuits*Any made with white flours e.g. Rich Tea biscuits, water biscuits.Any made with wholemeal flour e.g. digestives, crispbreads, cereal bars.
Dairy and eggsEggs cooked in any way. Milk, plain yoghurt, all cheese, cream, butter, ice-cream, plain fromage frais.Fruit, muesli and nut yoghurts.
FishAll fish (fresh, froze, or tinned). 
Meat substitutesAny texturised vegetable protein. 
FatsOils, margarine, low fat spread, butter. 
Sweet foods*Sugar*, golden syrup*, treacle*, honey*, fruit sweets*, choco-toffee*, jelly jams*, jelly marmalades*, jelly*, fruit sorbets*.Jam with seeds, ordinary marmalade, chocolate made with fruit and nuts, fruit in jelly, sweet mincemeat.
MeatAny meat including tinned and corned.Meat in pies made with wholemeal flour. Meat dishes with vegetables e.g. curries, casseroles, chilli concarne.
Nuts and seedsNoneAny nuts and seeds including peanut butters, hummus, tahini and marzipan.
Dietary supplementsNoneAny dietary supplements that come as a tablet e.g. vitamins, glucosamine and herbal extracts.
DrinksAll non-alcoholic drinks.Alcoholic drinks.

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published December 2024. Review due December 2027. NBT003568

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Imaging Department Contact Centre

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact the Imaging Department Contact Centre if you wish to change or discuss your appointment.

Telephone: 0117 414 8989

CT abdomen and pelvis with 48 hour preparation

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This page has information for patients referred for CT abdomen and pelvis with 48 hour preparation at North Bristol NHS Trust. 

Please follow these instructions to ensure adequate bowel preparation for this examination. 

To prepare your bowel for your CT Colonography you will need to drink mixtures of water and Gastrografin. The instructions for this are in this leaflet. Gastrografin often causes diarrhoea. The amount of diarrhoea is very variable. Please make sure you have easy access to a toilet during this 2 day preparation period. 

It is very important to drink plenty of fluid during the entire period. You may become dehydrated otherwise. For this examination to be successful, please follow these instructions.

How to prepare your Gastrografin mixture:

  1. Pour 1 bottle of Gastrografin (20ml) into a glass.  
  2. Into the same glass, add at least 200ml or half a pint of water. You can add fruit squash/cordial if you prefer.
  3. Stir with a spoon until mixed well.

Two days before your appointment

Prepare and drink 1 Gastrografin mixture with a meal.

One day before your appointment

Prepare and drink 1 Gastrografin mixture with a meal.

On the day of your appointment

In the morning prepare 1 Gastrografin mixture. 

Drink this slowly over the 1.5 hours before your appointment.

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published December 2024. Review due December 2027. NBT003566

Imaging Department Contact Centre

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact the Imaging Department Contact Centre if you wish to change or discuss your appointment.

Telephone: 0117 414 8989

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Your CT virtual colonoscopy

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You have been advised by your doctor to have a Computerised Tomography investigation, more commonly called a CT scan. This leaflet explains what a CT is, the benefits and risks, and what the virtual colonoscopy CT involves. If you have any further questions please speak to the member of the team looking after you.

CT scans are done in the Imaging department - also known as Radiology or X-ray department. This is the department in the hospital that does radiological examinations such as X-rays, CT scans, and others.

Radiographers are highly trained operators that carry out CT scans with the help of radiology department assistants. They make sure the best possible images are taken while using the minimum dose of radiation. Radiologists are doctors specially trained to interpret the images when the scan is complete.

What is a CT virtual colonoscopy?

A CT scanner machine uses ionising radiation (X-rays), and a computer to produce very detailed cross-sectional images of any part of the body. The information is built up into a series of pictures for the radiologist to view.

CT virtual colonoscopy is different from other CT scans because carbon dioxide is used to inflate the colon (large bowel), via a thin flexible tube that is inserted into the back passage (anus). The CT scanner the puts together a detailed 3D model of the colon, which the radiologist uses to view the bowel in a way that simulates travelling through the bowel. This is why the procedure is called a virtual colonoscopy.

At the same time, 2D images of the colon, abdomen, and pelvis are taken without any additional radiation.

Are there alternatives to a CT virtual colonoscopy?

The alternative way of looking at the large bowel is endoscopy. Endoscopy involves using a tube with a camera on the end (colonoscope) which is passed into the back passage, an moved up and around the bowel. Although it doesn‘t use radiation, it is more invasive than a virtual colonoscopy and usually requires sedation. However, it does allow for a biopsy or removal of small polyps at the same time.

Do I need to prepare for this examination?

  • We will send you a special medicine before the scan. Please mix this with water and follow the instructions given to you on a separate leaflet. This medicine may cause diarrhoea, which is required to empty the bowel. It also coats the lining of the bowel so we can see it on the scan. 
  • You will also be given a separate leaflet with what foods you can and cannot eat. Please follow these instructions carefully.
  • Please drink plenty of water over the 2 days before the scan. 
  • If you are diabetic and have received an afternoon appointment, please let us know. Morning appointments are available to ensure you can follow the preparation safely.

What happens during the scan?

  • The Radiology department assistant will explain the process and ask you to change into a hospital gown. You will then be taken into the scan room where the radiographer will again explain and answer any questions.
  • A small cannula will be put into your arm so that a muscle relaxant can be injected. This drug is used to relax the involuntary muscles of your bowel to reduce discomfort and decrease bowel movement on the scan.
  • You will be asked to roll onto your side and a small flexible tube (around the width of a pencil and 2 inches in length) will be inserted into your back passage. A lubricant is used to ease this process.
  • Carbon dioxide gas will then be passed through the tube and into the large bowel for the duration of the examination to maintain inflation. You will be asked to move into different positions on the scanning table (on your front, back and sides) and several scans will be taken.
  • The radiographers will check the quality of the images and ensure they have all the information required from each position. Occasionally, more information may be required, and the scan will also include your chest. A contrast dye will be inserted into your cannula during the scan if this is required.
  • During the scan you will be asked to hold your breath and retain the gas as much as possible whilst the table moves slowly. You will move in and out several times. Occasionally, a contrast dye may be given through the cannula and the scan to provide more information.
  • The whole examination will take around 30 minutes and is very clean. A small balloon on the tube keeps the tube in place and any faeces (poo) left inside you will go down the tube. You will not be given sedation for this examination.
  • Once all the images are taken the tube will be gently removed. You will then be taken into a joining room where there is a toilet and your clothes to get dressed. The team will talk to you before you go to ensure you feel ok.

What happens after the scan?

You may eat and drink as normal. Please drink plenty of water as the bowel preparation medicine may dehydrate you. 

The carbon dioxide gas will naturally be absorbed by the body and the bloated feeling will subside quickly once you have passed wind and used the toilet. 

The radiologist will examine the images in detail and send the written results to the consultant or GP that referred you for the scan. You will get your results from that doctor.

What are the risks and benefits of having a CT virtual colonoscopy scan?

A CT scan involves the use of ionising radiation (X-rays); we are all exposed to natural background radiation every day from radioactivity in the air, food that we eat and even from space.

Exposure to ionising radiation from a CT scan carries a small risk, however, the main benefit of having the scan is to get an accurate diagnosis so that you can get the right treatment for you. A specialist will have agreed that the benefit, of the scan, outweighs the risk of the ionising radiation and we can assure you that all safeguarding to minimise ionising radiation exposure is taken.

If there is a possibility that you may be pregnant, then please contact the radiology department prior to the scan.

During the CT virtual colonoscopy, you may experience abdominal discomfort and bloating, this is normal but if it becomes too painful then please let the radiographer know. Once the scan is complete you could become faint when sitting up, however, the team follow several steps to limit.

There is a very small risk that inflating your bowel with air could cause injury to or perforation of the bowel, however, this occurs in fewer than 1 in 10,000 patients. This will, in most cases, heal itself, however, may require medical assistance or antibiotics.

If you have had the injection of muscle relaxant, you may experience a dry mouth and blurred vision. The latter is very rare, but if it does happen, it will wear off within 30 minutes but please do not drive until your vision is back to normal. Please let the radiographer know if you suffer from angina, any heart problems or glaucoma.

Some patients may require an injection of contrast medium, also described as X-ray dye, for their scan which increases the amount of information seen on the scan. There is a small chance of an allergic reaction to the injection of contrast medium, however, the Imaging team are trained to deal with any complication, and again the risk is very small. The Imaging team will make sure you are feeling alright and have recovered before letting you leave the department.


CT Colonography or Virtual Colonoscopy

National Health Service: Your CT scan: 
Available from CT scan - NHS [Accessed on July 2022]

United States Food and Drug Administration: Computed Tomography (CT).
Available from Computed Tomography (CT) | FDA [Accessed July 2022]

Computed Tomography (CT or CAT scan) Procedures

Radiation Dose from X-Ray and CT Exams

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published July 2024. Review due July 2027. NBT002665

Imaging Department Contact Centre

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know as soon as possible. You can also contact the Imaging Department Contact Centre if you wish to change or discuss your appointment.

Telephone: 0117 414 8989