Community Midwives and Maternity Support Workers (known as MSW’s) will care for you during your pregnancy and in the early days when you are at home with your baby. The MSW’s work under the direction of the Community Midwives who coordinate your care and they work together to support you until your baby is approximately 10 days old, when your care is then transferred to a Health Visitor.
The Community Midwifery teams are based at a variety of places such as GP surgeries, Health Centres, Clinics or Children’s Centres. Where you see yours will depend on where you live.
Maternity Notes
Once you have completed our online self-referral form, a member of the booking team will be in contact with you to set up access to your maternity notes. At NBT we use digital notes called Badger Notes, which can be accessed on the web or an app on your phone. Find out more about Badger Notes.
Contacting Your Midwifery Team
For general advice about your pregnancy, your baby or your appointments please contact your Midwifery Team. Monday to Friday calls will be dealt with within 48 hours. The telephone numbers can be found within the ‘hospital contacts’ tab of your Badger Notes or by visiting the Contact Maternity Services page on our website. Remember; you can also get general health advice from your GP service or NHS 111.
Contact North Bristol NHS Trust Maternity
Contact a midwife to book for antenatal care or leave a message on 0117 4146743
Antenatal Clinic
Telephone: 0117 4146924 or 0117 4146925
Antenatal Assessment Unit (Quantock Assessment Unit)
Telephone: 0117 4146906
Assessment Ward (Quantock Ward)
Telephone: 0117 4146904 or 0117 4146905
Cossham Birth Centre, Kingswood
Telephone: 0117 4145150
Southmead Maternity Reception
Telephone: 0117 4146894
Mendip Birth Centre, Southmead
Telephone: 0117 4146900
Mendip Ward, Southmead (Postnatal / Transitional Care)
Telephone: 0117 4146901
Central Delivery Suite Reception, Southmead
Telephone: 0117 4146916 or 0117 4146917.
Percy Phillips Ward (Postnatal Ward)
Telephone: 0117 4146821 or 0117 4146822
Southmead Hospital Switchboard: 0117 9505050