Results: Information about being a carrier

Information about being a carrier

Some women receive a test result that requires further discussion and / or follow up. How this happens will depend upon the type of test that that requires following up. In some cases you will be contacted by your Community Midwife, who will explain the test result to you and tell you what might happen next.

Alternatively you may be contacted by a Specialist Screening Midwife or Fetal Medicine Midwife who will explain things to you and talk to you about the test result and what might happen next. Some women are referred to other specialist services and your Community Midwife or Specialist Midwife will arrange this.

Scan findings are discussed at the time of the scan. If there are any concerns, women will be referred to a fetal Medicine Consultant for further scans and discussion of the findings. (See Fetal Medicine page).

The following link to the government website will direct you to information leaflets relating to a number of conditions. Scroll down the page to find additional information on sickle cell, thalassaemia and other haemoglobin variants; infectious diseases; 11 physical conditions relating to the 20 week scan; diagnostic tests.