Hair removal

Laser treatment for hair removal

At Bristol Laser Centre we offer laser hair removal for both men and women. Areas that can be treated include the face, neck, underarms, back, shoulders, chest, breasts, legs, and bikini area.

There are many ways to remove unwanted hair, but laser hair is quick and effective with long-lasting results. Many people who have unwanted facial hair problems find their confidence and quality of life improve when they no longer have to worry about removing their hair every day.

What type of laser is used? 

The type of laser used depends on your skin type.

We have an Alexandrite laser which is very good for controlling dark hair on fair skin, and the reduction in hair is often permanent.

We also have a long pulsed NdYag laser which is safe to use on darker skin. It is most effective on coarse, dark hair, but isn’t as good on fine hair.

Laser treatment does not work on white or blonde hair.

What does the treatment involve? 

Most people need 4-6 treatment sessions as an initial course to give the best results. Many people then have top-up treatments once or twice a year to keep the hair under good control.

You need to look after your skin carefully after each treatment, but any redness usually settles down in a day or two.

It is very important that your skin is as pale as possible for treatment. You should wear a high factor sunblock on the area before and during the course of treatment, and should not use sun beds or fake tans. If you have a sun tan we may need to delay your next treatment.

You can continue to shave or cut the hair between treatments, but should not wax, pluck, or use depilatory (hair removal) creams.

What are the risks? 

The risk of scarring is very low. There is also a low risk of skin pigment changes after treatment. This may appear as a light or dark patch of skin which is usually temporary but can occasionally be permanent.

The risk of side-effects is higher if you have naturally dark skin or if you have treatment when you have a suntan.

The benefits and risks of treatment will be fully discussed with you at your consultation.

Funding for laser treatment

Laser treatment for hair removal is not routinely funded on the NHS. In severe or exceptional conditions the Exceptional Funding Panel in your area may consider this. If you think you may be eligible, discuss this with your GP.

If you cannot get NHS funding you can self-fund your consultation and treatment at Bristol Laser Centre. We offer a sensitive, personal, honest approach.

An initial consultation with a specialist doctor is always required. This costs £120. During the initial consultation you will discuss your specific needs. We may then offer a test patch to show how well you may respond to the treatment

Hair removal laser treatments with an experienced doctor or nurse start from £70 per session.

How do I book in? 

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a consultation, please phone us on 0117 414 1212.

Or fill in our online form: Contact Bristol Laser Centre

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published March 2025. Review due March 2028. NBT002015

Contact Bristol Laser Centre

If you are already attending the Laser Centre, please phone 0117 414 1212.

If you are a new patient, would like to get on our waiting list, or have any queries please use our Contact form or phone us on 0117 414 1212.



I had suffered for years with excess facial hair and spent a fortune on electrolysis, epil 2000 and waxing without success. I tried desperately to hide the hair by using my hands to shield the affected area and would never have my hair cut in a short style as I felt I needed the length to somehow hide the problem.


Hair removal


The treatment has been so successful that I only need the odd visit to maintment my hair free face.

Miss M