Badger Notes is now being used at NBT!
We’ve introduced a new system that offers a better experience for our Maternity Service Users.
Both North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) jointly started using Badger Notes from 26 September 2023. In particular, Badger Notes has replaced the yellow notes folder with an app that provides access to a digital version of your records.
How does Badger Notes work?
Badger Notes allows you to:
- See a week-by-week timeline of your pregnancy.
- Access reading recommended by your Midwife.
- View your hospital’s full library of maternity leaflets.
- View booked appointments and information direct from your medical record.
Additionally, as you build a personalised care plan with your Midwife, Badger Notes gives you a place to record thoughts and questions about your antenatal care, birth plan, and postnatal care for your Midwife to review with you.
For care purposes, and once they've been granted access to Badger Notes by you, healthcare professionals such as GPs will also have 24-hour access to information.
The 2-minute video below offers a quick and simple introduction to Badger Notes at NBT and UHBW.
Why are we introducing Badger Notes?
Besides improved access to information, we’re doing this to deliver a better - and safer - care experience. Badger Notes is already in use at other NHS Trusts around the country including here in the South West.
How can I find out more?
Besides the video above, we’ve listed some Badger Notes questions and answers below to help.
Don't forget that your Midwife should also be able to answer any questions you may have. To find out how to get in touch, please refer to our Maternity Services contacts page.

How can I access Badger Notes?
With the following options, please be aware that you can’t access your notes until you receive a ‘security phrase’ from your Midwife.
a. Using a mobile phone
iPhone - Please search for the Badger Notes app in iTunes and download. Once done, tap the icon on your home screen to open.
Android - please search for the Badger Notes app in the Google Play store and download. Once done, tap the icon on your home screen to open.
b. Using a PC or tablet
You can log in to the Badger Notes website by clicking this link: badgernotes.net
For more information, please see Badger Notes help.
If you're registered with a GP in England, you can also create an account using NHS login.
The video below shows you how to log in, and explains the various Badger Notes features.
How secure is Badger Notes?
All information is held securely and cannot be accessed without the correct login details (similar to when you use internet banking).
Can anyone else I request (family, friend, partner, doula) access my information on the app?
No – the only person who can access your information is you. For care purposes, healthcare professionals such as GPs will also have 24-hour access to information - but only once they've been granted access to Badger Notes by you.
What languages is Badger Notes available in?
It is configured to the 11 most common languages as held on/used by the Badger Notes app, as follows: English, Welsh, Polish, Punjabi, Bengali, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Lithuanian, Somali, and Maori. There is also a translate function on the desktop version.
What happens if I don’t have a smartphone?
You can access Badger Notes on a home device (e.g. desktop or laptop computer, tablet) via the internet. If you do not have internet access, please speak to your Midwife.
What happens if I move Trust and my new provider doesn’t use Badger Notes?
Having a problem with logging into Badger Notes?
Have you tried these things?
- If you registered using your NHS login details you must use the blue NHS login button to access your account:
- If your current details do not match your NHS login details you will need to change them via the NHS app
- It may be helpful to try to log into the website via a web browser and not the app.
- If your password is not recognised click on the ‘forgotten password’ button to reset it.
- Further help can be found at Badger Notes - Help & FAQ
If you are still having problems, then please call our dedicated Badger Notes helpline on 0117 3429301 or email badgernotessupport@uhbw.nhs.uk. You will be asked to quote your NHS number so please ensure you have this to hand. This is a non-urgent telephone line and is monitored 10-4 Monday to Friday and 11-3 at weekends by administrative staff. If you need to speak to a midwife, you should call your local hospital as normal.