Patients being treated by the Acute Care Research team

Research News

Image of Research participant Rob

Rob's Story: Taking part in Dementia Research

More than 55 million people have dementia worldwide. Rob, one of our research participants shares his story about taking part in Dementia Research here at NBT.
Becky Cousins 2

My Role in Research: Rebecca Cousins – Lead Research Nurse

Rebecca Cousins is Lead Research Nurse for the Urology team at North Bristol NHS Trust. She has recruited Research Nurses without previous research experience and shares her thoughts on the support available for this path, how she got involved in research, and why she feels she’s making an impact with her work. “We get the satisfaction of engaging hospital patients in research and then following their progress.” Find out more about a Lead Research Nurse’s role
Dr Tom Roberts 2

My Role in Research: Dr. Tom Roberts – Emergency Care Researcher

Dr. Tom Roberts is a multi-award-winning Emergency Care Registrar whose enthusiasm for asking questions has paved the way for a career in Research. We spoke to Tom to find out how he got involved in research and what he’s working on.
Image of Research participant Ian

Ian's Story: Taking part in Diabetes Research

Ian, a Diabetic for 13 years, was recommended to take part in research by a friend. Following his involvement, he has seen a positive improvement to his health and lost more than six stone in weight, enabling him to carry out his passion of gardening and caravanning. Ian’s wife has also benefitted from taking part.
Image of Research participant Will

Will's Story: Taking Part in Diabetes Research

At age 45, Will was shocked to discover he was Type 1 Diabetic. After being approached to take part in Diabetes Research, he is now undertaking his third trial. Discover how these research opportunities kept him on the straight and narrow and help him understand, regulate and manage his Diabetes better...
Image of Research participant Pauline

Pauline's Story: Taking Part in Diabetes Research

Pauline found out about a study when she was attending her husband Ian’s research appointment. She had seen how much being part of a study had helped her husband, so it was a straightforward decision for her to get involved too.
Photo of Mary Alvarez, Senior Research Midwife

Mary Alvarez selected for NIHR Senior Research Leader Programme

Congratulations to Mary Alvarez, Senior Research Midwife, NBT, who has been selected for the highly competitive NIHR Senior Research Leader Programme: Nursing and Midwifery The three-year programme aims to “unlock the research potential of many more...
BTS Respiratory Research Award Nov22

Respiratory Unit wins Team of the Year Award

Bristol Academic Respiratory Unit has been named Research Team of the Year by the British Thoracic Society (BTS) for their “outstanding contribution to the NIHR portfolio studies in 2020-2022”. This is a fantastic achievement that is built on two...