Southmead Hospital

Latest News

Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Autism awareness week at NBT

This week we are marking world autism awareness week at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT). Our aim is to increase everyone’s understanding of the specific, often hidden sensory and communication needs experienced by people with autism spectrum disorder...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Blog: What it's like to be autistic and work at NBT

“What is your favourite species of monkeys?” “You sure you are alright, mate?” Brain thinking: “Just being friendly” Hi, I’m Sophie and I’m autistic. I work at NBT. I worked on Elgar 1 ward as a Healthcare Assistant for 3 years and have just joined...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Former patients notified about pelvic floor surgery review

A number of people who received pelvic floor surgery using artificial mesh at Southmead Hospital have been informed of the outcome of investigations into their care. After concerns were raised about pelvic floor surgery, North Bristol NHS Trust began...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Travel disruption - Friday 22 March

We have been informed rolling blockade protests will take place today (Friday 22 March) on a number of major roads across the country from 5pm. Locally it is believed rolling blockades will take place on: M5 southbound from Avonmouth to Clevedon M5...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Southmead Hospital's stroke thrombectomy service to be expanded

A life-saving procedure that reverses the effects of severe strokes is to be expanded at Southmead Hospital. “Thrombectomy”, which involves manually unblocking blood clots to the brain, significantly reduces the chances of death and disability. Since...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Apprenticeships at NBT

As part of this years National Apprenticeship Week, that was 4 - 8 March, our chief executive Andrea Young and communications apprentice Roxanne Dabir took turns to interview one another about apprenticeships at North Bristol NHS Trust. There is a...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

NBT Hidden Heroes: Purple Butterfly

'Hidden Heroes' is our way of shining a light on services and teams across the trust who are doing incredible things but have perhaps gone under the radar due to working away in the background. Our latest Hidden Heroes highlights our Purple Butterfly...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Celebrating World Kidney Day

The brother of the first person to donate an organ 50 years ago is celebrating World Kidney Day after raising £2,000 to support Southmead Hospital’s transplant services. Clive Hook, raised the funds by organising a series of concerts to mark 50 years...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Swallowing Awareness Day 2019

Swallowing Awareness Day aims to highlight the impact that dysphagia - difficulties with swallowing, eating and drinking - can have on people's lives. It not only affects people physically, inhibiting their ability to swallow, taste and enjoy meals...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Happy International Women's Day 2019

North Bristol NHS Trust would like to wish all women a very happy international women’s day. While today holds different meanings for people across different cultures, today is also a chance to recognise and celebrate differences, achievement and...