
Haemangiomas are sometimes called strawberry naevi.

Haemangiomas are caused by an abnormal growth of blood vessels and show up as flat or raised marks or lumps under the skin and can occur anywhere on the body. They usually appear soon after birth, grow for a few months, then stay the same for a period of time, then gradually shrink and fade.

Laser treatment is not usually done in the early stages but can be useful to fade the redness of haemangiomas if it does not fade naturally. 

Children requiring laser treatment for haemangiomas are funded by NHS England. Your GP or dermatologist can refer you to Bristol Children’s Hospital where the paediatric laser service is based.

If you cannot get NHS funding you can self-fund your consultation and treatment here at the Bristol Laser Centre. An initial consultation, at £120, with our specialist doctor is always required to discuss your specific needs. Treatments start from £145 per treatment session.

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