Medical Introduction - Careers
At North Bristol NHS Trust, we have internationally renowned medical teams delivering incredible outcomes for our patients. For many years we have been at the forefront of new medical techniques and innovations, including brain and spinal surgery, joint replacement and the world’s first radar breast imaging system, to name a few.
What medical specialties could I work in?
What medical specialties could I work in?
×Our medical teams provided exceptional healthcare over a wide range of specialties in our five clinical divisions:
- Medicine Division – specialties include Cardiology, Respiratory, Acute Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Geriatric Medicine, Palliative Medicine.
- Anaesthesia, Surgery, Critical Care and Renal Division – specialties include Intensive Care, Renal, Anaesthetics, Vascular Surgery, Burns and Plastics Surgery, General Surgery, Breast Surgery, Breast Radiology, Endocrinology & Transplant Surgery.
- Neurosciences and Musculoskeletal Division – Stroke, Neurosurgery, Spines, Pain, Elective Orthopaedics, Trauma, Neurology, Rheumatology, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology, Bristol Centre for Enablement, Neuropathology, Rehabilitation Medicine.
- Women and Children’s Health Division – Neonatal Intensive Care, Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
- Core Clinical Services Division – Radiology, Histopathology, Microbiology, Clinical Biochemistry.
Medical opportunities

Postgraduate Doctors

Postgraduate Doctors
×We are proud to support Postgraduate Doctors during their placements with us.
We offer a wide range of educational and well-being support through our Postgraduate Medical Education team which is headed up by our Director of Medical Education and Medical Education Manager.
Our dedicated Foundation Team manage the in-house teaching programme for first and second year foundation doctors (Junior Doctors). In addition, there is the Internal Medicine Training programmes and surgical teaching.
All of our programmes are open to all doctors who are in a structured programme as well as our Clinical Fellows who work in the Trust.
At North Bristol NHS Trust, we can offer experience working in a wide range of specialties whilst providing access to comprehensive support and training.

×As a new Consultant within our Trust, you will receive a comprehensive induction and onboarding schedule which will include access to a mentor, and our New Consultant Programme, where we will give you the opportunity to network with other consultant who are new to the Trust, meet and develop key working relationships with members of the Office of the Medical Director as well as other Executive members. In addition, we offer all our consultants a generous study leave package comprising of up to 30 days over three years and up to £1000 per year study leave budget.
Our consultants provide compassionate leadership to their clinical teams and are responsible for the professional supervision and management of junior medical staff. Where appropriate, our consultants are also named in the educational contract of junior staff as the person responsible for overseeing their training and as an initial source of advice to such doctors regarding their careers.

×Our Locum Doctors are fully qualified Doctors temporarily covering a position within our Trust. This could be to cover sick leave or support a temporary rise in demand on the service.
All doctors, other than a foundation year one doctor can work in a locum role. To be eligible, you must be fully registered with, and regulated by, the GMC.
We currently have opportunities for all grades of Medical Locum roles throughout NBTeXtra bank. We can offer opportunities to work across a variety of specialties, including (but not limited to):
- Emergency Medicine.
- Intensive Care.
- Neonatal Intensive Care.
- Mental Health.
- General Medicine.
If you are interested in finding out more and applying, please email your CV with a cover letter clearly identifying your specialty and work area of preference to
Clinical Fellow

Clinical Fellow
×Our Clinical Fellows develop and contribute to the continuing education, professional development, audit and research within our Trust and work with the consultants and other specialist registrar colleagues to integrate into the existing team.
These roles could be used to help improve doctors' chances to return to Specialty training, help complete a CESR programme within their chosen specialty or for trainees who are taking a planned year out of training.
All Clinical Fellow roles are advertised on our website with details of accreditation obtained.
Specialty Doctor & Specialist

Specialty Doctor & Specialist
×Specialty Doctors have at least four years of postgraduate experience, two of which are in the chosen specialty. Therefore, Specialty Doctors can enter these posts having varying levels of experience and seniority which allows them to gain experience and promotion within the grade itself.
The Specialist grade was introduced in April 2021, to give Doctors the opportunity for more seniority, promotion and independent practice outside of the Consultant grade. Specialists require a minimum of 12 years of medical work, 6 of which at Specialty Doctor grade.
North Bristol NHS Trust have numerous Specialty Doctors & Specialists is most departments and specialities such as Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics, Plastic Surgery & NICU.