GMC Number: 4214661
Year of first qualification: 1995, Edinburgh University
Specialty: Respiratory Medicine
Clinical interests: Adult Respiratory Medicine & Interventional Pulmonology
Secretary: Lata Luchmun
Telephone: 0117 414 2016
Email: Respiratoryadmin@nbt.nhs.uk
Dr Andrew Medford has been a Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Thoracic Medicine at Southmead Hospital since 2009, following a post-CCT fellowship in interventional pulmonology in 2008 and a research doctorate in ARDS, completing CCT in 2007.
Dr Medford is the Clinical lead for North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and SW Cancer Network tertiary and regional Endobronchial Ultrasound service and Specialty Education Lead for Respiratory Medicine and Deputy Lung Cancer Lead.
He is Specialist Adviser to NICE on interventional procedures, as well as serving on the editorial boards of Thoracic Cancer and Respiration.
He is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Infection International, a BMJ Learning Module Reviewer and on the RCPE Symposium Committee Panel having previously served as JRCPE Education Editor and member of the RCP Professional Affairs Board, BTS Standards of Care Committee and Interventional Procedures SAG.
His clinical interests include adult thoracic medicine (especially cough, pulmonary hypertension and non-CF bronchiectasis) with subspecialist expertise in advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy (endobronchial ultrasound & autofluorescence), interventional pulmonology, mediastinal disease, lung cancer and clinical coding.
His research interests include endobronchial ultrasound, clinical coding, VEGF lung biology, ARDS, ventilator-associated pneumonia and pleural disease.