GMC Number: 4327042
Year of first qualification: 1996, University of Nottingham
Specialty: General Surgery
Clinical interest: Vascular, Endovascular & Renal Transplant Surgery, Arterial Surgery, Diabetic foot disease, re-do and infected graft surgery, Kidney transplantation.
Secretary: Lynsey Wynne
Telephone: 0117 414 0798
Mr Andrew Weale was appointed to North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) in December 2010.
He delivers major arterial surgery as part of the Bristol, Bath and Weston Vascular Network (BBWVN, established 2014) and is lead for Lower Limb Arterial Surgery and Diabetic foot disease within the BBWVN, chair of the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG Diabetic Foot Disease Clinical Steering Group and the North Bristol NHS Trust lead for peri-operative patient safety.
His main interests are: re-do and distal/ultra distal lower limb bypass surgery for patients with critical limb ischaemia/ulceration; management of patients with diabetes and foot disease; and surgery for patients with prosthetic arterial graft infection.
He is also a member of the kidney transplant surgery team at North Bristol Trust.
He has an interest in patient safety and system engineering.