GMC Number: 6078818

Year & location of first qualification: MB BS, MA (Oxon), PhD, FRCS (SN)
Specialty: Complex Spine Surgery
Clinical interests: Craniocervical pathology, cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc disease, minimally invasive spine surgery, intradural pathology.
Secretary: Lydia Cooley
Telephone number: 0117 414 6699
Mr Nowell is a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon at Southmead Hospital, Bristol.
Following completion of neurosurgical training in Bristol, Mr Nowell developed a subspecialty interest in Spinal Surgery. He completed the Complex Spine Fellowship at the Leeds General Infirmary and the Sir Victor Horsley Spinal Fellowship at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) and the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore.
As a true dual trained surgeon in Neurosurgical and Orthopaedic Spine Surgery, he is equipped with the skills and experience to provide the most appropriate treatments across the entire spectrum of Spinal Surgery. This includes degenerative disease, trauma, tumour and infection across the whole spine.
Mr Nowell’s particular clinical interests include cervical and lumbar degenerative disease, minimally invasive surgery and navigation intradural surgery.
Mr Nowell trained in medicine at Oriel College, Oxford and Imperial College School of Medicine, London, and achieved a first-class honours degree in Physiological Sciences from Oxford.
He also completed a PhD at University College London. This focused on the development of advanced imaging tools and computer navigation for use in the operating theatre, which is increasingly relevant in Spinal Surgery today.
Mr Nowell has presented widely at National and International meetings and has published extensively. He was awarded the British Association of Spinal Surgeons Travelling Fellowship in 2017. As a member of BASS and the Society of British Neurosurgeons (SBNS), he regularly attends meetings which promote engagement and collaboration with colleagues and other professions allied to surgery. He is the current Spinal Surgery Academic Lead for the SBNS.
Mr Nowell believes strongly in patient-centred care. He offers a range of treatment options and supports patients to make informed decisions that is right for them.