GMC Number:: 7038820
Year & location of first qualification: University of Birmingham, 2009
Specialty: Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia
Clinical interests: Focused echocardiography, neuro-ICU and patient transfer
Dr Liam Scott has been a Consultant at North Bristol NHS Trust since May 2022. His clinical interests include Neuro ICU and anaesthesia, the diagnosis of death and organ donation. He is the Lead Consultant for Advanced Critical Care Practitioners (ACCPs) working on ICU. He has extensive experience as a fixed-wing air ambulance Flight Doctor transporting patients around Europe and the UK. He was also involved in the civilian aeromedical evacuation of refugees from Afghanistan in August 2021. Furthermore, he works as a Medical Examiner at North Bristol Trust and the University Hospitals Trust, and is regularly involved in the scrutiny and governance of in-hospital deaths and coroner referrals. Dr Scott has a particular interest in Medical Law & Ethics (especially issues concerning the end-of-life), and is currently studying a Masters Law degree in this field.
Telephone: 0117 414 1400