GMC Number: 4505286
year of first qualification: 1998
Specialty: Plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery
Secretary: Rundeer Singh / Maddie Champion / Lisa Groves
Telephone number: 0117 4147612 (Rundeer) 01174140850 (Maddie - Lower Limb) 0117 4147605 (Lisa - Sarcoma)
Clinical interests: Sarcoma, skin cancer, breast and lower limb reconstruction
Mr Thomas Chapman was born and raised In Worcestershire and attended Bristol University. He extended medical training with an additional science degree obtaining first class honours and winning a scholarship from the Smith and Nephew foundation with national recognition. He trained in all general aspects of surgery in the Southwest UK for 6 years before specialising in Plastic Surgery from 2004. Mr Chapman completed the FRCS(Plast) in 2009 and finished specialist training (CCT) in 2010. He had additional training in the form of competitive fellowships in Nottingham, Bristol, London and Trieste (Italy) to study a variety of reconstructive techniques before becoming a full time NHS consultant in 2012. He has won awards from the Royal College of Surgeons and British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, and is fellows of both.
Mr Thomas Chapman is a member of the governing body of Bristol University, and is involved in the selection of medical students and design of the medical curriculum. He is also involved in the national selection of trainees in plastic surgery and is responsible for their progress in training in the Southwest UK.
He has over 30 publications and has contributed as an author and editor to medical texts and national guidance for surgeons. He supervises and coordinates a number of ongoing research projects. He has presented at international meetings and is an invited speaker on training courses and conferences. He is a core member of the skin cancer and sarcoma multidisciplinary team meetings. With Paul Wilson, he runs the Bristol sarcoma service and with Umraz Khan runs the orthoplastic service for lower limb trauma.