Protecting and supporting you

Protecting & Supporting You

At NBT we do not tolerate abuse of any kind, whether from patients, visitors or even colleagues.
This includes bullying, harassment and discrimination, which can be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, disablist or targeting your religion or belief.

Red Card to Racism and Abuse campaign

We have re-launched our Red Card to Racism and Abuse campaign - please wear a campaign badge with pride to show we stand together against abuse. You can collect one from the Job Shop or Security Office in the Brunel building or the Library in L&R.

Freedom to Speak Up

It is important that we all speak up if we see anything that makes us uncomfortable - this should happen at the time so that it can be addressed straight away. Initially, you should speak to your line manager if you have any concerns, and our Freedom to Speak Up Guardians are also here to help you.


We have a public policy in place to protect everyone (The Prevention and Management of Violence & Aggression Policy - HS08), where any abusive patients or visitors will receive a verbal then written warning, followed by an acceptable behaviour contract and ultimately exclusion from the trust if their abuse continues. We also have a Protocol for Managing Violence & Aggressive Persons at NBT (Protocol CG162).

Clinically challenging patient behaviours

As a healthcare environment, we recognise that there are times when a patient’s behaviour may be linked to or influenced by their clinical condition.  As one of our patient safety priorities, we have been delivering a programme of training for clinically facing staff on how to identify, prevent and safely respond to clinically challenging patient behaviours.

Early Conflict Resolution

We also have internal HR processes in place should abuse occur from one staff member to another. Your first course of action in this instance should be to speak to your line manager, and you can use our Early Conflict Resolution guidance to support these conversations.

Datix reporting system

All staff are encouraged to speak up and report any abuse, whether they experience it themselves, witness it or are a manager of someone who has experienced abuse - our Datix reporting system can allow you to record the specific abuse encountered.

People who can support you

There are lots of people who can support you, including: 

  • Harassment & Bullying Advisors.
  • Trade Union representatives.
  • People Team and People Partners.

We also have lots of staff network groups, including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff network, LGBT+ staff network and Disabled and Neurodiverse staff network - please email to find out more.

Further information is available on LINK, our intranet, once you have computer access. 

Protecting & Supporting You