Lifestyle Support

Wisdom App

Our Employee Assistance Programme, Health Assured provide all NBT staff with exclusive access to a revitalised app - Wisdom. The app is designed to help you track your wellness, improve your mental health, and stay resilient during tough times.

Weight Management

NHS staff are now able to sign up to the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme. This is a service for people who would like to lose weight and improve their health and wellbeing. Staff who have a BMI of 30 or greater (or 27.5 or greater for staff from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups), can access a free, online 12-week weight management programme which is personally tailored to support their journey to a healthier lifestyle. Once you have your NBT email address, you can find out more information and self-register, by visiting the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme Staff Self Referral Site. 

Carers support

At NBT we have a range of support available for our staff carers, for example, our EAP can support with legal and emotional issues relating to caring, we also have access to the Carers UK Digital Resource for Carers, providing you with useful materials and support that you may find helpful when balancing caring responsibilities at work, this can be accessed through the Carers UK Digital Resource website, you will need to create a new account, using the unique access code: DNHS9166.
We’ve also introduced our Staff Carers Passport at NBT, contact us at for more information.

Lifestyle Support