Clinical Biochemistry Test and Platform Changes

Test accreditation

Clinical Biochemistry has had the automated Beckman platform since November 2022 for the majority of our Biochemistry assays. As new tests come on line we will update both our test information pages Test Information and the quality section Pathology Accreditation and Compliance Status with details of assays affected.

All the tests, which were previously accredited by UKAS, will be going under an Extension to Scope process. However, please be assured that the quality of our services will remain the same.

If you have any concerns or queries, please contact us (contact information in the box below). 

Test Information

Sample vials for testing

Includes details of sample types, volumes, special precautions, turnaround times & reference ranges.

Contact Clinical Biochemistry

Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Pathology Sciences Laboratory
(Blood Sciences and Bristol Genetics)
Southmead Hospital
Bristol BS10 5NB

Helpdesk: 0117 4148383

Duty Biochemist: 0117 4148437
