Request Forms
Each of our Pathology disciplines has its own specific request forms. These are available to order from our Pathology Consumables page Consumables Ordering | North Bristol NHS Trust, however, copies of forms are also available to print below.
Sample acceptance and rejection
It is the policy of North Bristol NHS Trust that all samples taken for laboratory investigations and accompanying request forms will be labelled to a minimum standard which minimises the risk of harm to patients. The Specimen Labelling Policy (CG-163) is attached below.
Key points are:
- The patients primary identifier is the NHS number and this must be used wherever possible.
- In normal circumstances, unlabelled or inadequately labelled samples will not be processed. There is a recognition that there are certain circumstances where samples are unrepeatable. The circumstances and actions in this case are documented within the policy.
- Each request received by the laboratory is considered an agreement between the requestor and laboratory for provision of Pathology Services.
Requests can be made in Sunquest ICE, however where this is unavailable, dedicated NBT Pathology Request forms are obtainable which should be completed in full.
Samples may be rejected when received in the wrong container, underfilled/overfilled, insufficient, haemolysed, clotted, contaminated or when subject to incorrect storage, temperature, transport or time-dependent requirements. See the individual test information pages for special requirements and precautions.
The reason for rejection of a sample should be clear on the report for that specimen.
Test Information

Includes details of sample types, volumes, special precautions, turnaround times & reference ranges.