Our new Coagulation Screening and Haematology platforms are live.
Whilst the majority of reference ranges will stay the same, some are quite different. Specific protocols and reference range information is displayed below.
| Current NBT Adult Reference Range | NEW ADULT REFERENCE RANGE FROM 24/04/2023 |
APTT | 21.0 – 33.0 secs | 25-37 secs |
Clauss Fibrinogen | 1.5 – 4.0 g/L | 2-4 g/L |
D-Dimer | < 0.50 ug/mL FEU | < 500 ug/L FEU (Age adjusted D-Dimer range) |
For Special Coagulation tests (Thrombophilia, Lupus Anticoagulant and Factor Assays), relevant comments will be added to results as appropriate.
Please note that Paediatric ranges have not changed.
Haemoglobinopathy change in platform:
As of as of 18/12/2023, the first line haemoglobinopathy testing analytical method has changed. It is approved for use in sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening programme and has been verified in-house at NBT
The new reference range will therefore start at 90% (change from 80%). The previous method separated some HbA fractions, which no longer applies to the new method, but this has no impact on the interpretation of results.
HbA2 values are comparable across platforms and reference ranges and interpretation have not changed.
HbF less than 0.3% is not detectable on the new analyser and results less than this will therefore be reported as HbF <0.3%.
There will be no changes to the way that haemoglobin variants and thalassaemias (carriers and disease) are reported.
Test accreditation
We are updating both our test information pages Test Information and the quality section Pathology Accreditation and Compliance Status with details of assays affected.
All the tests, which were previously accredited by UKAS, will be going under an Extension to Scope process. However, please be assured that the quality of our services will remain the same.
If you have any concerns or queries, please contact us (https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/severn-pathology/pathology-services/haematology/contact-haematology).
Test Information

Includes details of sample types, volumes, special precautions, turnaround times & reference ranges.